Adopt a baby with Angel Adoption Adopt a baby with us confidently
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About Angel Adoption & Our Services

  • How long has Angel been in business?

    Angel Adoption was born in 1998, and since then, we have been connecting caring birthmothers with loving adoptive families all across the United States. In fact, we are a nationwide leader in domestic adoption and thrilled to have assisted with the adoption of over 2,800 babies! Learn More »

  • What services does Angel Adoption provide adoptive families?

    Angel Adoption provides personalized, comprehensive support for families hoping to adopt a baby. We will guide you and give you everything you need along every step of your adoption journey. Designed to ensure you have the best possible chances for a successful adoption, our services include the following:

    • Two full years of marketing & advertising. We will assist you in creating your adoptive parent profile and aggressively advertising it to potential birthmothers.
    • Adoption referrals & networking. We will refer you to experienced adoption attorneys and social workers from our network of trusted professionals.
    • 24-Hour support for birthmothers. Our staff is available day or night to talk, text, or chat with birthmothers who are considering adoption.
    • Coordination & guidance for meeting a birthmother. We will help coordinate communication and meetings between you and the birthmother. We provide you with questions to ask and “red flags” to watch out for.
    • Online & offline marketing. We utilize aggressive marketing and advertising efforts to ensure your profile is seen by as many birthmothers as possible.
    • Guidance & support. Call us any time! We’re always here to talk, listen, and offer assistance, advice, and encouragement at any stage of the process.
  • What specific marketing & advertising methods does Angel Adoption utilize to find birthmothers?

    Our dedicated marketing team is constantly working hard to reach as many potential birthmothers as possible. Here are the specific methods they use:

    Online Marketing
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.
    • Social Media Optimization (SMO) Social media optimization is the process of increasing awareness and website traffic through the use of social media outlets and communities including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube.
    • Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) PPC advertising involves bidding for clicks for text or image based ads displayed alongside search engine result listings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
    • Content Marketing Content marketing includes creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving traffic website or page.
    Offline Marketing
    • Networking with adoption attorneys, social workers, physicians, pregnancy crisis centers, hospitals, churches, schools, and adoption agencies.
  • Where is Angel Adoption located?

    We serve adoptive families and birthmothers across the United States from our beautiful office in Crystal Lake, Illinois, located about 50 miles northwest of Chicago. You are always welcome to drop in and meet our staff — we’d love to meet you in person!

About the Adoption Process

  • I have a lot of questions about the adoption process. Where do I start?

    If you’re looking for a good place to start your research, our Adoptive Parent Resources section contains a wealth of information about adoption and the adoption process. Feel free to explore! Learn More »

  • How long does the adoption process usually take?

    Because we work with a limited number of families at a time, we’re able to offer quicker placement times and more adoptions than adoption agencies and service providers. Our connection times range from 2–24 months. If you are open about the baby’s race and gender, expenses, and birth location, your adoption process could move quicker. Learn More »

  • Do we need a home study before we begin working with Angel Adoption?

    Although you will need a home study to complete your adoption, you do not need one before starting your contract with us. We will refer you to a place where you can complete your home study. While you're starting that process, we will work with you to create your adoptive family profile and start presenting you to prospective birthmothers. Learn More »

  • What is open adoption?

    Open adoption means the birthmother has the opportunity to communicate with the adoptive family and meet them in person if desired. Many birthmothers will request letters, pictures, and some level of communication with the adoptive family after the adoption is finalized. The majority of our adoptions are open, but we also fully support families and birth parents who wish to have semi-open or closed adoptions. Learn More »

  • Is there a waiting list to adopt a baby?

    We do not have a waiting list. Prospective birthmothers choose families based on their adoption plan and their unique wants and needs in an adoptive family.

  • Who is eligible to apply to adopt a baby with Angel Adoption?

    Angel Adoption has far fewer restrictions than a traditional adoption agency. We serve all kinds of families all over the United States and only require you to be 25 years of age or older. We have no religious belief requirements. We fully support both single parent adoption and gay and lesbian adoption. Families with other biological and/or adopted children are also welcome. We also accept families who are already working with an adoption agency or professional and have not yet had any luck. Learn More »

  • Is there a fee to apply to adopt a baby with Angel Adoption?

    No, our adoption application is 100% free. We don’t believe families should have to pay for us to review their application. The informational meeting required after completing the application — either in person or over the phone — is also free of charge.

  • Can I choose the gender and/or race of my adopted baby?

    We certainly allow you to set your gender and/or race preferences when working with us. However, we usually advise hopeful parents to be as open with their preferences as they are comfortable with in order to give them the best possible chances of connecting with a birthmother.

About Adoption Costs & Expenses

  • What are the costs involved in adopting a baby?

    We charge a flat fee for our marketing and support services (see “What services does Angel Adoption provide adoptive families?” above). Payment is due with the signed contract when you begin working with us. In addition to our service fee, you’ll be responsible for other miscellaneous adoption expenses, including legal fees, home study fees, birthmother expenses, and travel expenses. Even after taking into account all adoption costs, working with us is still one of the most economical ways in the country to adopt a baby. Learn More »

  • What birthmother expenses will we be responsible for?

    Birthmother expenses can involve any reasonable pregnancy-related expense, including but not limited to housing, utilities, transportation, food, and maternity clothing.

  • Will we be required to cover the birthmother’s medical expenses?

    In most cases, the birthmother’s prenatal care, labor, and delivery are covered by their personal medical insurance or government-issued medical insurance. We work with each birthmother to ensure they have the appropriate medical coverage during this important time.

  • Will we need to buy an insurance policy to cover the baby separate from our medical insurance?

    The baby is usually covered under the birthmother’s insurance until the birthmother signs over her parental rights. At that point, you will need to add the baby to your insurance policy.

About the Post-Adoption Process

  • How soon after the baby is born can we take him or her home?

    The adoptive parents must remain in the state of the baby’s birth until the official state paperwork has cleared. This generally takes between 4 and 10 days.

  • What happens if the birthmother changes her mind after signing the adoption papers?

    Depending on state laws, birth parents typically sign the final adoption papers between 12 and 72 hours after the baby is born. After the legal papers have been signed, the birth parents no longer have any legal parental rights over the baby. Based on our experience, most birth parents who go through the adoption process are proud of their decision and rarely change their minds after signing the final adoption papers, despite how difficult it was.