At Angel Adoption, we embrace and respect each hopeful adoptive family’s individuality, beliefs, religion, ethnicity, nationality, marital status, gender identity, and sexual orientation. In that spirit, we are proud to fully support gay and lesbian adoption and LGBT adoption!
Adoptive Families Come in All Sizes and Backgrounds
When we say LGBT adoption, we’re referring to more than just same-sex adoptions. The adoptive families who work with us at Angel Adoption come in all different sizes and from a variety of backgrounds. Our supportive team works with single parent adoptions, as well as with married or unmarried couples, throuples, and any other family type. Whether prospective parents are looking for guidance on adoption for gay couples or services that openly welcome all members of the LGBTQ+ community, we treat all adoptive parents equally and without judgment. Since 1998, we have provided adoption marketing and advertising services to hundreds of LGBTQ+ community members. It’s a point that we take pride in, especially as LGBT adoption grows in acceptance and support.
Grow Your Family With Us!
Is It Harder for LGBT Parents to Adopt?
No, it’s not harder for LGBT parents to adopt. At Angel Adoption, the adoption process is the same for ALL hopeful families, regardless of what type of family they are. All of our hopeful families are treated equally.
Do expectant mothers choose gay, lesbian, and LGBT adoptive families?
Yes! An expectant mother’s preferences for the types of families she is open to exploring are personal and depend on many factors; however, many expectant mothers we work with want to browse profiles for all different types of families. Increasingly, more and more birthmothers are choosing same-sex or gay adoptions.
Do gay, lesbian, and LGBT adoptive parents wait longer to adopt a baby than non-LGBT parents?
Hopeful gay, lesbian, and LGBT adoptive parents may feel they will have a harder time adopting, but that’s not true. The time it takes any family to adopt depends on a number of other factors, including your adoption education, completing your adoption home study, finishing your adoptive family profile, and how long it takes you to be chosen by an expectant mother. Your family type, however, does not affect that timeframe, and we see same-sex and LGBT adoptions fall into the same length of time as non-LGBT adoptions.
What challenges do children of gay, lesbian, and LGBT families face?
Studies show that children growing up with gay, lesbian, or LGBT parents are no different from children raised by non-LGBT parents. LGBTQ+ community members have been facing prejudice and discrimination all their lives, so you might already be aware of the sort of difficulties your child may face growing up in a LGBT family. Most see it as an opportunity for their child to grow as a person and develop a greater sense and appreciation for diversity and inclusion. You should be prepared for some rough spots over the years, but the same is true for all adoptive parents, so don’t let that deter you from your dream of adopting a newborn baby.
What LGBT Adoptive Parents Should Look For
For any prospective LGBT parents considering adoption, there are a few ideas and important factors to keep in mind.
- A Foundation of Support: Regardless of what type of adoption it is, the process can be emotional and challenging. It’s important that adoptive LGBT families have a reliable support system in place. This support system could be friends, family, or community members who will be there to help navigate sometimes difficult moments in the journey.
- Professional Commitment to Inclusivity and Sensitivity: Not every adoption agency, professional, or service provider will treat LGBT or same-sex adoptions equally or with the appropriate cultural sensitivity. Adoptive parents must research their options and make sure that those helping them in the journey are doing so with open support and understanding.
- Legal and Regulatory Knowledge: Different states have different laws relating to LGBT adoptions. It’s important that LGBT adoptive parents choose an adoption attorney who understands the relevant legal processes for LGBT adoptions.
- Guidance and Advice: The best service providers are the ones who understand your emotions and can offer guidance that best helps you navigate the adoption journey. You want a trusted partner who can answer your questions and point you in the right direction. At Angel Adoption, our helpful team has successfully united families of all types for over 25 years.
Fulfill Your Lifelong Dream of Becoming a Parent
What are the laws regarding gay and lesbian adoption and LGBT adoption?
Over the years, hopeful gay, lesbian, and LGBT parents have struggled against discriminatory laws that didn’t allow them to legally adopt a baby. Fortunately, the country has made great strides in this area. Currently all U.S. states permit gay, lesbian, and LGBT adoption; however, specific adoption laws and processes vary from state to state. When you reach the point in the adoption process where you need an attorney, we can refer you to someone who is experienced in gay, lesbian, and LGBT adoption. In fact, we have a whole network of adoption attorneys and professionals across the country ready to assist you when the time comes, regardless of what laws are involved.
If you have questions or concerns about the LGBT adoption process or the adoption laws in your state, please don’t hesitate to contact us.