Single parent adoption, whether that means in a relationship and unmarried or single and not in a relationship, is not uncommon. In fact, many people choose to grow their families as single parents.
Years ago, if you had gone to an adoption agency as a single person and applied to adopt a baby, you would have been turned down. Unfortunately, it just wasn't done. There were even laws against single parent adoption in some states. However, attitudes and societal views around single parent adoption have changed for the better.
Can you adopt as a single parent?
Absolutely! Most adoption service providers and agencies are happy to work with single men and women. Though there are still agencies out there that might turn away a hopeful adoptive parent because of their marital status, Angel Adoption is proud to fully support single parent adoption. In fact, we have had hundreds of successful single parents adopt with us over the years.
Here are some things to consider and obstacles you may face when embarking on your adoption journey as a single parent.
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Is it harder for a single parent to adopt?
Whether you’re adopting as a single woman, single man, or non-binary single parent, the adoption process isn’t much different. At Angel Adoption, we believe everyone has the opportunity to grow their family, and we treat all of our prospective parents equally. We’re proud to support each and every one of our birthmothers and adoptive parents regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, ethnicity, disability, or any other form of discrimination.
Single Parent Adoption Requirements
Adoption for single mothers, fathers, and non-binary parents comes with the same requirements as adoption for any other family type. To legally be able to adopt, prospective parents need to be of minimum legal age and must complete an adoption home study by a licensed social worker. At Angel Adoption, we can help prospective parents navigate the process, offering guidance and information about requirements, common questions, working with birthparents, and more. Please contact us with any adoption-related questions.
Navigating Single Parent Adoption
For single parents embarking on their adoption journey, these helpful tips and recommendations can help you prepare for the road ahead.
The Traditional View of Parenting
Despite the greater acceptance of single parent adoption, the traditional view of parenting — that a child needs both a mother and a father for healthy growth and development — is still out there. Some may not understand why you would willingly assume the responsibility of raising a child alone. It may or may not be possible to convince them that you know what you are doing. Remember that whether you’re adopting as a single man, single woman, or non-binary parent, you’re giving love, compassion, and a stable home to your adopted child. As a family, you’ll build a bond and a future together. As others see your adoption story unfold, their opinions may change
The Role of a Healthy Support System
All parents need support, and for single parents, having a strong support system is even more important. Think about your family and friends and consider who would be able and willing to help you provide for your child. For example, who could you trust to come over and help out when you or your child is sick, provide childcare assistance, pick up your child from school if you unexpectedly can’t, or even serve as your child’s guardian if needed? Even though you are a single parent, when armed with a solid support system, you won’t be raising your child alone. Plus, having a healthy support system helps single parents put plans in place for unexpected events or life emergencies that may occur.
Fulfill Your Lifelong Dream of Becoming a Parent
Your Career
As a single parent, you’ll likely be working in conjunction with raising your child. Consider your current work schedule as well as your future career goals. Then ask yourself these important questions. The answers can help you determine if adjustments need to be made in order to give all of the love and attention your child deserves.
- Does your employer offer a healthy work-life balance?
- What about health and/or adoption benefits?
- Does your job require much travel?
- Do you have access to childcare or after-school care either through your employer or in your community?
- In the event of unexpected emergencies or other events, are you able to leave work?
For each of these questions, make sure you have a thorough plan in place for after you bring your new baby home and a general idea of what you’ll do as your child gets older.
Your Finances
With the availability of adoption subsidies in almost every state, the issue of personal finances has become less of an issue; however, it is important to ensure you’ll be able to financially support a child beyond the cost of adoption itself. Plan to have an emergency fund available in the event of unexpected childcare or medical expenses or other costs.
Preparing for single parent adoption may seem overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that many single parents have had successful adoptions and have raised happy and healthy children. Adoption for any parent can be challenging, but these difficult moments are more than outweighed by the beauty and joy of raising a child.