A Birthmother’s Rights

You may be wondering what rights you have before and after you give your baby up for adoption. While this varies greatly from state to state, we can give you some general information.
Before the Adoption
As an expectant mother considering giving her baby up for adoption, you have the right to...
- ...make an informed decision about adoption, free from influence, pressure, or judgment.
- ...choose an adoptive family for your baby.
- ...choose what type of adoption you want: open, semi-open, or closed.
- ...receive financial assistance.
- ...receive counseling.
- ...review any and all legal documents associated with the adoption.
- ...have a birth plan and medical care of your choice.
- ...change your mind at any point up until the final paperwork is signed.
After the Adoption
As a birthmother who gave her baby up for adoption, you have the right to...
- ...revoke your consent anytime within the legal time period defined by your state.
- ...receive post-adoption financial assistance.
- ...receive post-adoption counseling.
- ...stay in touch with the adoptive family and the baby if you wish.
- ...receive post-adoption support from us and the adoption community.
- ...share your story with the adoption community.
- ...support other expectant mothers who are considering giving their baby up for adoption.
To learn more about giving your baby up for adoption, complete our free information request form.