How to Choose an Adoptive Family for Your Baby

The process of choosing an adoptive family is different for every expectant mother, but it always starts with asking yourself what’s important to you in a family for your baby. This will help you pick a family that best reflects your own wants and dreams for your baby. Here are a few questions to think about as you start your search.
- Are you open to a single-parent household, or do you prefer a two-parent household?
- Are you open to gay, lesbian, trans, or other family types?
- Do you prefer the family already have children and/or plan to have/adopt more?
- What sort of hobbies and interests would you like the family to have?
- What kind of family values and views on parenting are you looking for in a family?
- Is the family’s religion or spiritual beliefs important to you?
- What life experiences would you like your baby to have as they are growing up?
- Does it matter to you whether one or both parents work outside the home?
- Does it matter to you how much time the baby would be spending with a nanny/babysitter or at a daycare?
- Is the size of the family’s extended family important to you?
- Do you want the adoptive family to have relatives and/or friends that live nearby?
All of our families...
- ...have been thoroughly screened and approved to adopt by a licensed social worker.
- ...have had FBI background checks and fingerprints completed.
- ...are physically, emotionally, and financially ready to provide a safe, stable, and loving home for your baby.
To learn more about giving your baby up for adoption, complete our free information request form.