Here are some facts about domestic adoption for you to consider when deciding on the type of adoption you’d like to pursue.
- Domestic adoption accounts for a significant portion of all adoptions. In the United States, nearly 45% of all adoptions are domestic adoptions.
- Families adopting domestically usually receive a more detailed medical record and social history of their child’s birth parents. When adopting internationally, parents may not have access to much, if any, of that information.
- Information you may get about birth parents in a domestic adoption can include pregnancy records, medical background, social situation, family history, and more.
- It is a common misconception that domestic adoptions cost more than international adoptions. The reality is that the cost of adoption varies greatly depending on a number of factors.
- Domestic adoption allows your child to get more information about their birth parents. This gives them a more complete idea and understanding of where they came from.
- Families pursuing a domestic adoption should be ready to travel anywhere within the country. If possible, they should plan to visit their expectant mother at least once before birth. When the baby is born, they will need to travel to the state in which the birthmother is delivering and stay near the hospital until after the baby is born and the legal paperwork has gone through.
- Some families can wait two years or more to adopt a baby, but around 75% of families adopt a baby within two to twelve months. The waiting time depends on the family’s adoption preferences, such as their preferred race of the baby, whether they want an open or closed adoption, the family’s budget, and more.