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Bringing Home Your Adopted Baby

In most cases, you will be able to bring your baby home directly from the hospital after he or she is discharged. It depends on the laws in the birthmother’s state and how far away you live from the hospital.

Many states require a certain amount of time to pass before the adoptive parents can take their baby out of the area or the state. Many adoptive families do not live in the same state as their birthmother, so they often make arrangements to stay in a local hotel or extended-stay facility until their attorney gives them clearance to take the baby home. Here’s how to be prepared for bringing your baby home.

Baby's First Car Ride

Before you’re ready to leave the hospital, be sure you have a properly installed car seat in your car. Every state requires parents to have a car seat before leaving the hospital with their baby.

The Essential Supplies

Be sure you have the essential baby care items ready for when you get home. The basics include:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Burp rags
  • Bottles and formula
  • Swaddle blankets
  • Baby clothes
  • Bassinette

Baby’s First Doctor’s Appointment

Schedule your baby’s first doctor’s appointment as soon as possible after birth. Many hospitals have pediatricians on call who examine newborns before they are discharged. After you get home, however, you’ll want the regular pediatrician you’ve chosen to see your baby as soon as possible.

Introduce Baby to Friends and Family

After you bring home your new baby, you might be flooded with requests from family, friends, and coworkers to come and see your little angel. Don’t be shy about limiting the number and frequency of visitors. If anyone is sick, ask them to wait until they are feeling better before visiting. Your baby’s immune system will not have fully developed yet. For the same reason, don’t hesitate to ask visitors to wash their hands before touching or holding your baby.

Introduce Baby to Siblings

If you have other children at home, there will probably be an adjustment period after you bring home your new baby. Don’t be surprised if your other children show signs of jealousy. Be sure to spend some quality one-on-one time with your other children. Encourage them to help you care for their new little brother or sister. Many older siblings are thrilled to do so and will quickly get over their feelings of jealousy and uneasiness.

Introducing Baby to Furry Friends

If you have a dog or cat at home, you’ll need to introduce the baby to them as well. To start, have them smell one of the baby’s blankets or clothing items. Then slowly introduce them to the baby. Don’t leave your baby alone with your pets until they’ve become accustomed to all the changes.


You might be concerned about bonding with your new baby. You don’t need to be! When it comes to attachment, adopted newborns develop a bond with their adoptive parents just as they would their biological parents.

Your New Life With a Newborn

It will take a little while to get used to life at home with your newborns. Like the great majority of new parents, you will suffer from a lack of sleep to some degree. And you might not find the time to keep up with basic household chores. Don’t be shy about asking your family and friends for help. Most will be more than happy to lend a hand. Whenever your baby is napping, catch a quick nap, take a shower, or just sit and relax. Anything you can do to recharge will help a great deal.

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