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How it all began...

New Beginnings

The path to the adoption of my son, Mateo, is a profound story of loss, resilience, and renewed hope. I had always dreamed of having a bigger family, but life's unpredictable turns placed those dreams on hold when I faced the unimaginable tragedy of losing my husband and my youngest child in quick succession. I was heartbroken, to say the least.

After taking plenty of time to grieve and heal, with the support of my oldest child, I decided it was time to welcome new life into our family through adoption. We knew we had two angels looking over us as we embarked on this journey.

I chose to work with Angel Adoption because of their personable approach. Other agencies felt cold and uncaring, but with Angel Adoption, I felt a sense of genuine compassion and understanding that reassured me during such a vulnerable time.

Starting the Adoption Journey

As I began my adoption journey, I was relatively unfamiliar with what the process would entail. Determined to keep stress at bay, I embraced the mindset, “If it is meant to be, it will happen.” This mantra helped me navigate the complexities of the process and the overall emotional roller coaster of adoption with a sense of peace. It especially helped me get through the most challenging part of the process for me, which was the home study. It was tedious and emotionally draining; however, seeing it through to the end brought great relief and a sense of accomplishment.

Initially, my friends and family were skeptical about my plan, thinking my choice to adopt was simply a response to my grief. However, as they began to see the true joy and excitement that the prospect of adopting brought me and I continued to demonstrate a solid commitment to the process, they rallied in excitement and loving support. My six-year-old was especially eager to welcome a new sibling to our family.

A Magnetic Connection

The best word to describe my connection with my son’s expectant mother is “magnetic.” We shared an instant bond that was so strong and wonderful. As we discussed potential names, we discovered the serendipitous connection of both having chosen the name Elijah. The expectant mother would have named him Elijah, and that was the name I picked for his middle name!

More and more special “little things” like this popped up throughout our relationship, which only served as further proof to us that our connection was meant to be. Now, Mateo’s expectant mother is now like a little sister to me, and I could not have asked for a better person to go through this process with.

The Call & the Birth

When I received the call that the expectant mother was in labor, it was an emotional whirlwind. I rushed to the hospital. I was so grateful that she allowed me to be by her side as she gave birth and also to engage in skin-to-skin contact with Mateo immediately after he was born. The reality of meeting Mateo was surreal. I felt a profound sense of destiny, a confirmation that everything in this tumultuous journey had led to this perfect moment.

Joy is Waiting

My story is a beautiful testament to the transformative power of love and adoption. It illustrates how opening one's heart and home can bring healing and complete a family in the most unexpected and wonderful ways.

My advice to prospective adoptive parents revolves around resilience and faith: Don’t get discouraged. Trust that it will all work out the way it's meant to and everything will happen the way it’s supposed to happen. Stay confident and see everything through. What is waiting for you at the end of this journey is joy!