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How it all began...

Long Road to Success

It took us almost a decade before we reached our goal. We tried everything to grow our family: several agencies, foster care, and medical treatments. After a lot of research, we chose Angel Adoptions because we really liked what we were reading and what Angel provides families. Our friends and family were extremely supportive and enjoyed being a part of their journey.

We really did our homework and found a home study agency we grew a great relationship with. We had a social worker who truly became like family and was really a great help getting us through the adoption process. Having a social worker you can lean on is very important throughout the adoption process.

Quickly Chosen

After joining Angel, it only took three weeks for an expectant mother to find us. She was very early in her pregnancy, and we talked for a while. She ended up delivering much earlier than expected, and we met her at the hospital. The expectant mother ultimately ended up choosing to parent. We felt like bad people, like we did something wrong, but the expectant mother just was not ready. One of the hardest things we experienced was not leaving that hospital as parents, but if we could get through that, we knew we could continue to do this, and it gave us the strength to move on.

It’s Time to Go!

About a month later, we received another call letting us know we were chosen by an expectant mother who was due soon. We all started texting on a Wednesday, and by Saturday, the expectant mother let us know she thought she was in labor and we should come to the hospital. At this point, we had only communicated through text. We were advised to wait—we hadn’t even involved legal services yet—but we went anyway. We had nothing but a little to go bag, no car seat, no baby stuff. The drive took them longer than planned due to road issues, just about an hour left in the drive and the expectant mother texted “baby is here.”

This Is It!

Once arriving at the hospital, Staci Looked at Jeremy and said, “This is it.” The birthmother was alone, holding the baby, and she said, “You have a daughter.” Staci walked into the hospital room confidently and in mom mode! Jeremy had never been more scared in his life. We instantly hugged the birthmother and bonded. Then birthmother said, “Do you want to hold your daughter?'' Our daughter had this head of beautiful hair, and we were in love. We wished we could have been there for the delivery, but we got to spend two nights in the hospital together, being there for the first bath and getting to know the birthmother.

With this being a last-minute opportunity, everyone was so helpful: Angel Adoptions, the hospital, our social worker, and the attorney, who was actually on vacation and came to the hospital with his wife to help get everything in place.

We stayed at a hotel after being discharged, and the birthmother came over. This incredible woman had just delivered our daughter a few days prior and was able to come see us at our hotel on her way to work! We gave the birthmother time with Abigail; then we all hugged and cried, and she let us know she knew this was meant to be. We told her how much we loved her. In four days, this woman had changed our lives forever. In those four days, we fell in love with two people quicker than we knew was possible. We continue to stay in constant communication.

Patience Is Key

If you want this for your life, you have to be patient and just keep at it. If the process is too much, take a break and pick it up the next day. You will get frustrated, but remember, this is in your heart. We kept fighting every roadblock that came our way knowing this was going to happen. Believe in it, have faith, be patient, and know that it is all worth it.