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How it all began...

The Journey Begins: A Dream of Parenthood

We met in high school, and our bond grew stronger as the years passed. Even back then, we knew we wanted to start a family together. As high school sweethearts, we envisioned a home filled with love, laughter, and the pitter-patter of little feet. After being together for 17 years, the desire to become parents only deepened.

For a long time, we thought our path to parenthood would be the traditional route. However, after nearly 10 years of trying to conceive naturally without success, we began to consider other ways to fulfill our dream. Adoption had always been on our hearts; we felt called to it in a profound way. We believed that love makes a family, not just biology, and that we were meant to open our hearts and home to a child who needed us.

Choosing the Right Path: Why We Chose Angel Adoption

When we finally decided to pursue adoption, we knew it was important to choose an agency that resonated with our values and would support us throughout the process. We did extensive research on various adoption agencies, both locally and nationwide. Angel Adoption stood out to us from the beginning. Their website was filled with success stories that were heartwarming and encouraging.

The more we learned about Angel Adoption, the more we appreciated their approach. They offered hope and support to both waiting families and birthmothers, which aligned perfectly with our desire to create a loving and nurturing environment for our future child. We felt a sense of peace and confidence when we chose Angel Adoption, knowing they would be our partners in this life-changing journey.

The Waiting Game: A Test of Faith and Patience

As we embarked on our adoption journey, we were filled with hope and excitement. We prepared ourselves and our home, thinking that at any moment, we could receive the call that would change our lives forever. But as time passed, our anticipation turned into a long, quiet wait that tested our patience and faith.

The first year was full of eager preparation, but when there were no signs of progress, doubt began to creep in. The second year was even harder. We felt as if we were in limbo, with no communication from potential birthmothers. It was a time of deep reflection. We wondered if this was truly the path for us or if we had misunderstood our calling.

By the third year, We started asking God if we had somehow missed His plan for us. But then something changed within us. We realized we were trying to control the process too much, and it was time to surrender our desires to a higher power. We decided to place our trust in God, believing that if this was meant to be, it would happen in His perfect timing. It was then that God showed us a vision of us holding a little girl after we asked him if this was what he promised us.

This newfound peace carried us through the toughest days. We stopped trying to force the process and instead focused on living our lives with the faith that our child would come to us when the time was right. Six weeks later we would get a call for our little girl.

A Miracle in the Making: Meeting Our Daughter

Our journey took an unexpected and beautiful turn one afternoon while we were relaxing outside on our lunch break. We missed a call from Angel Adoption and immediately called them back, filled with excitement. The news we received was beyond anything we could have imagined: the birthmother and birthfather of a newborn baby girl had chosen our profile and wanted to speak with us.

Within hours, we went from relaxing in our hammock to making arrangements to travel to meet our daughter. She was born just four hours away from our home in Missouri, which made the logistics easier, but the emotional impact was overwhelming. We rushed to gather everything we would need for her and left early the next morning, our hearts full of hope and love.

When we arrived at the hospital, we were greeted by the birthmother, a beautiful and soft-spoken woman. The room was calm and filled with a quiet reverence as we met our daughter for the first time. Holding her in our arms was a moment of pure joy and awe. She was everything we had prayed for and more. The tears flowed freely as we realized our dream had finally come true.

A New Beginning: The Blessing of Adoption

The journey to adopt our daughter was long and filled with challenges, but every moment of waiting was worth it. Our relationship with the birthmother and birthfather is one of mutual admiration and respect. We are all united by our love for this precious little girl, and we are grateful every day for the role they played in bringing her into our lives.

The biggest challenge of our adoption journey was undoubtedly the wait. It was a time of uncertainty and doubt, but it also strengthened our faith. We learned that sometimes, the hardest journeys lead to the most beautiful destinations. Our faith in God was our anchor, and His promise kept us going through the difficult times.

Now that we are on the other side of the wait, we can say with certainty that adoption was the right path for us. We would absolutely adopt again. The love and joy our daughter has brought into our lives are immeasurable. She is a true blessing, and we know that she was meant to be with us all along.

To those who are still waiting, our advice is to hold on to hope and trust the process. It's easy to feel discouraged when things don't happen as quickly as you'd like, but remember that everything happens in its own time. Give your journey over to God, and He will guide you through it. The waiting may be hard, but the reward is beyond anything you can imagine. Your child is out there, and when the time is right, they will find their way to you.