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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt a baby?

We were not able to conceive naturally and we didn't want to pursue fertility options. We knew we could parent and love any child that came into our home.

Why did you choose to work with Angel Adoption?

We liked how Angel was small and hands on. The website was also very easy to navigate and we could easily find answers to most of our questions.

What were you most excited about?

We were excited about finally being parents!!

What were you most nervous about?

We were nervous about meeting the expectant mom.

What was it like meeting the expectant mother for the first time?

We met her and her best friend in the hospital room before the delivery and she was very easy to talk to. We were all surprisingly relaxed and seemed to have the same easygoing personalities. Of course, we were all nervous, but we talked about those feelings and that helped us all open up.

Did you choose an open or closed adoption? How did you make that decision?

We chose an open adoption. We believe it's best when our son is old enough to know as much as he can about his birthmother.

Describe receiving the call that a birthmother chose you.

We received the call that we had been selected and the birthmother wanted to talk to us. Michelle talked to her right after Angel called and was so filled with emotions. But we learned so many things about her that made this fit seem perfect. We planned to fly out in a few days to meet her and be there for the delivery. It all happened so fast!

Describe the experience of finally meeting your baby.

We held him when he was 30 minutes old and fed him his first bottle. It was surreal, so hard to realize he was ours, but he was perfect!

What is your relationship like with the birthmother?

We love and respect her, we hope to see her again in the future. At this time, we respect her need for space, but we do chat when she reaches out.

What were the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

Michelle was out of state for almost a month because our home state and the adoption state couldn't agree on a specific document. It was so hard to be away from Tim with our newborn son for a couple of weeks. It was hard not to be able to get into our new life as a family when we wanted to so badly.

Adopting a baby can be a lengthy process - how did you get through the wait?

It was therapeutic to get ready for our baby. Shopping for clothes, nursery items, and even diapers! Michelle also created many Pinterest boards for anything baby related. Any items our baby would need we wanted to have in our home waiting for him.

Would you adopt again? Why or why not?

Yes, we had a great experience with Angel. Our story and our son were meant for us. When it finally happened, it was magical.

What advice do you have to share with other adoptive parents?

Have patience and be positive. Keep yourself busy during the wait, but Angel will deliver.