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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt?

My husband and I tried for two years on our own. We went to a fertility clinic and found out that without a miracle we could not have kids. Right away we knew that adoption was the path that God chose for us.

What made you choose Angel Adoption?

We were referred by our close friends that were also signed up with Angel. After speaking with Angel and knowing they have a high placement rate, work with infant adoption, and that you could be in the delivery room if the expectant mother was okay with it, we knew that’s what we really wanted. That is why we chose Angel.

What were some of the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

For us it was probably the wait. The wait from when the expectant mother chose us to when she was born...and then the 48 hours after. That was the hardest on me. My husband was my rock and kept me strong.

What were you most nervous about?

When our baby was born. Those 48 hours were absolutely the hardest. We were in a room right down the hall from our birthmother. They gave us a room at the hospital and our birthmother came over two to three times a day to see the baby. We had a really good relationship, but I was just so afraid that she would change her mind.

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

All were very supportive and excited for us. My mom actually stayed in Florida for two weeks while we waited on ICPC clearance. I’m an only child and my husband has one brother. Both families were completely supportive. We have friends that adopted also and they accepted our little girl with no hesitation. Both sets of grandparents babysit while my husband and I work. Our baby is an only grandchild on both sides.

Did you choose an open or closed adoption - and how did you make that decision?

Before speaking with Angel, we were going to do a closed adoption. The staff at Angel told us about the benefits of open adoption, which we opened ourselves to. I am so glad we did because I still keep in touch with our daughter's birthmom. I send her pictures. If our little girl ever wants to meet her I want to know where the birthmom is. I want my daughter to meet her birthmom someday.

What was it like meeting the birthmother?

Oh, she was wonderful. We spoke every day on the phone. It was just three weeks from when she chose us that the baby was born. She allowed me to be in the room when our daughter was born. I was the first person that held my daughter. Her whole family was there, it was a wonderful experience.

Adopting a baby can be a lengthy process - how did you get through the wait?

For us we only waited six months from when we signed up with Angel to be chosen. That is another reason I recommend Angel Adoption. They worked very hard to make our family complete.

Describe receiving the call that your baby was being born and traveling to meet her.

We were excited and nervous all at the same time. We drove eight hours and got to be there for the delivery.

Describe the feeling of finally meeting your baby.

I was very blessed that I got to be in the delivery room when she was born. The birthmom allowed me to be the first person that held her. It was love at first sight.

What is your relationship like with the birth family?

We have such a wonderful relationship with our birthmom and her parents. We communicate monthly and they even sent our daughter a birthday present.

Would you adopt again?

Possibly, but as of now we feel like our prayers have been answered with our baby girl.

What is something you would like to share with other adoptive parents?

You can’t imagine the love you feel when you see your baby for the first time. The love of a child is the greatest love you can have. Have patience and know your baby is out there, and know that he or she needs you just as much as you need them. There is no greater accomplishment than being a parent.