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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt?

We went through two years of infertility and disappointment. One of our friends mentioned foster care. We looked into it. It wasn't the right option for us.

What made you choose Angel Adoption?

I ran into one of my friends and she was in the process of adopting a baby through Angel Adoption. We looked into Angel and decided this was the way we wanted to have a baby. We were so excited and nervous about the application and the phone interview. We did the phone interview with them and they answered all of our questions and eased our concerns about the whole process. When we received the email letting us know we were starting the process, we were so excited. It was so easy and made us realize this was the path for us.

What were some of the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

We struggled with the wait. It was the hardest part for us. We waited for almost two years to get chosen by an expectant mother.

What were you most nervous about?

I was more nervous about not being chosen. I was worried we wouldn't get chosen within our contract time. The Angel staff did an amazing job keeping me calm.

What were you most excited about?

We were most excited about starting our family. It was exciting to start the nursery and register for all the things our baby would need.

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

Our friends and family were extremely supportive. We had three family members that were adopted. They just wanted to see us happy.

Did you choose open or closed adoption, and how did you make that decision?

We chose a semi-open adoption, which means we communicate through email and not in person. We weren't comfortable with a fully open adoption.

What was it like meeting the birthmother?

We actually met our daughter's birthmother at the hospital. It wasn't planned beforehand. She requested this once the baby was born. We were very anxious but excited at the same time. We got along great. She had the opportunity to learn about us and our family, and we learned a lot about her that we can tell our daughter.

Adoption can be a lengthy process, how did you get through the wait?

We waited 21 months to be chosen by our expectant mother. It was a very long wait. Through that time, we received emails asking if we would be interested in different special situations. Every time we weren't chosen, it was hard. We went through periods of disappointment and hopelessness. We relied on our friends and family. I was able to find other women who had fertility issues, and we were able to help each other through the hard times.

Describe receiving the call that your daughter was being born and traveling to meet her:

We knew our baby was going to be induced. We decided to start our trip a few days early. My husband, our daughter’s godfather, and I drove to Chicago. While we were on the road we received the call saying the baby was coming. We were so excited! At that moment, we regretted driving. We just wanted to get there.

Describe the feeling of finally meeting your daughter:

We got there late that night. About an hour after arriving, we received the call saying she was born and we could go to the hospital. It was the absolute best news. We hurried to the hospital. When we got there we were brought into the nursery. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We couldn't believe this little life was ours. Those were the best memories. We got to feed her the first bottle and change her. We were her parents, and she was our daughter. At that moment, we were a family.

What is your relationship like with the birthmother?

I still email her birthmother. I send her updates and pictures.

Would you adopt again?

Although adoption is expensive and stressful, we would adopt again. Our daughter is the joy of our life. She is truly a miracle.

What is something you would like to share with other adoptive parents?

At times you are going to wonder if this was the best decision. When you look at your child for the first time, you know every bit of frustration and disappointment is worth it. We were able to meet the ladies at Angel. They are the nicest people. They have all had similar experiences and know how you feel. They never treated me like they didn't have time. I would recommend Angel to anyone interested in adopting.