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How it all began...

Starting Our Journey

We had always known we wanted a big family, but after losing four pregnancies, we realized adoption was the best way for us to share our love with more children. We began researching adoption agencies and were eventually drawn to Angel Adoption after hearing about it from a friend. One thing that we liked a lot about Angel was how they supported both the expecting mothers and hopeful adoptive parents.

As we began our adoption journey, we felt excited about the possibility of growing our family and to see what God had in store for us. Our friends and family were supportive of our decision, and they couldn't wait for us to become parents.

Christmas Miracle

We were told the birthmother chose us on Christmas Eve. It was the best Christmas present ever. The birthmother had a scheduled C-section, so we drove down the day before. We got a hotel room and went to pick up the birthmother at 4 a.m. the morning our baby was born. We were with her as they prepared her for surgery. It was like we knew each other forever and like this was the way it was always supposed to be.

Laura was able to be in the room during the C-section and held the baby seconds after she was born. It was one of the most magical moments in our lives. We got our own room and began bonding with our new baby girl right away as we did skin to skin.

Family of Four

Although we chose an open adoption, our daughter’s birthmother did not tell her family about the baby, so we are currently not in communication. However, we upload pictures to a platform where our daughter’s birthmother can see them, and they are open to restarting the relationship when she is ready. Right now we are just enjoying being a family and soaking up all the moments.

The biggest challenge of the adoption process was the waiting. We remember praying every night for the right baby to come to us, and we found support from others going through the process. We also had a son already and focused on him, which helped with not thinking about the wait.

Despite the challenges, we would do it all over again. We feel so blessed to have our little girl and are grateful for the support of Angel Adoption and our loved ones. Our advice to other adoptive parents is to be as honest as possible, know that there will be a lot of waiting, and talk to others who have gone through the process. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to. We are thankful for our daughter’s birthmother’s sacrifice because without her, we would not have our beautiful daughter.