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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt a baby?

I have wanted to be a mommy since I could remember. I also know that having biological children is not a possibility for me. After ten years of prayer and coming to understand my journey to motherhood wouldn't be what I initially thought, I realized the plans God had for me all along were so much better!

Why did you choose to work with Angel Adoption?

I chose to work with Angel Adoption for two reasons: first, the success Angel had with single-mother adoptions, and second, the design and operation of their organization (how many families they work with at a time) and also the passion from which Angel was created. The founders have walked a mile in an adoptive parent's shoes!

What were you most excited about?

Of course, I was excited to be chosen. I was also so excited about the moment I would meet my child for the first time. But most of all, I was excited to take my child home and soak up all the special moments every other mom talks about. I honestly was most excited about just being an everyday Mommy!

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

My family is amazing! I had 110% family support. The excitement about a new baby coming into the family was unparalleled to any other excitement I had ever seen from my family. At times it was a toss-up for who was more excited, me or the soon-to-be grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle! When it came to sharing with friends my decision to adopt, I chose only to tell my closest circle of friends, and they too were very encouraging and supportive!

What was it like meeting your son’s birthmother for the first time?

Well, I was blessed with a unique situation. My child's birthmother chose a closed adoption. However, much to my surprise, she asked to meet me briefly prior to having a C-section. I am so thankful she did! She was incredibly selfless and gracious! She allowed me to be present in the operating room when the baby was delivered. I was the first person to hold the baby. These moments are a memory I will forever be grateful for. The following day, she asked if I would spend just a few minutes with her alone. It was a sweet time of light conversation and precious moments where we prayed together. I am so thankful for my son's birthmother! She is a big reason why my child's adoption story is filled with so much love!

Describe receiving the call that your baby was being born and traveling to meet him.

After waiting almost 28 months, I received an email that there was a child who would be born via C-section in two days. Of all places, it was only about 45 minutes from where I grew up. My entire family still resided in the area. In fact, I had just driven home from spending my summer vacation with my family and I ended up excitedly turning right around and heading back their way the following day. After I arrived at my parents' home, we spent the evening putting together a few necessities for the baby (and not sleeping out of sheer excitement). We imagined a million different scenarios about how the next day would play out as we all had waited what felt like an eternity for that very moment!

Describe the experience of finally meeting your baby.

I was able to go into the operating room with my son's birthmother for her C-section. I was seated by her head and was able to hold her hand throughout the beginning of the procedure. The moment my son was born, a nurse came around to usher me over to him. His birthmother lovingly told me to go to him. He was perfect! A handsome, healthy baby — my forever miracle! Tears rolled down my face and all I can remember whispering is, “Thank you, God, thank You for this birthmother, and thank You for choosing me!”

What is your relationship like with your son’s birthmother?

As with a closed adoption and in line with her wishes, we did not have any contact after our brief time meeting one another at the hospital.

Adopting a baby can be a lengthy process — how did you get through the wait?

I am very blessed to have many people in my life who have adopted. I frequently spoke with them throughout the adoption process, and they provided great advice. I kept a journal where I wrote letters to the baby about what was going on in life, what I looked forward to when he or she arrived, and how much I loved him or her already!

Would you adopt again? Why or why not?

I would love to! However, that would have to be a decision that would likely have to happen a few years down the road for practical purposes.

What advice do you have to share with other adoptive parents?

Know your journey won't be perfect and likely won't be how you imagined it! Your story will be unique and won't completely mirror anyone else's. The love you have for a new life that is given to you is indescribable! Your heart will be full...overflowing, and you won't believe God chose you for such a time as this! I couldn't possibly, nor have I ever, have loved someone else as deeply and unconditionally!