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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt a baby?

We both knew that we wanted to have kids. Both being in education, we are surrogate parents to hundreds of students every year. We knew that, eventually, we wanted to have kids of our own. This past year, the time was right where we both knew we were ready to adopt.

Why did you choose to work with Angel Adoption?

We did our due diligence by researching adoption agencies around the country. We liked that Angel had a high success rate and was local to us. While we never had to go to meet them in person, we liked that if need be, we could.

What were you most excited about?

We were most excited thinking about our future with our new baby. What would he or she be like? How could we best raise him or her? We liked thinking about the future and imagining what it could be like.

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

They were so excited for us! They love us. They were really excited to share their love for us with our baby and welcome him or her into our family.

What was it like meeting your baby’s birthmother for the first time?

I think everyone was nervous. There's a difference between calling and texting and then actually meeting in person. Luckily, we bonded over our love for the unborn baby, and everything became much easier.

Did you choose an open or closed adoption? How did you make that decision?

We chose an open adoption. We want the birthmother involved in our baby's life, and we want our baby to grow up having some experiences with the birthmother as well.

Describe receiving the call that your baby was being born.

So exciting! I remember that call perfectly. We knew it could be any day, and when we heard that it was actually happening, we could not be more excited.

Describe the experience of finally meeting your baby.

I remember thinking so many things all at once, if that's possible. I remember thinking that this baby was the most beautiful baby that has ever been born. I remember thinking that my life was totally changing in such an amazing and wonderful way. I remember thinking that I was so nervous that I would mess up! And I remember thinking that I have never loved someone so much in my whole life.

What is your relationship like with your baby’s birthmother?

It's really positive. We send pictures and updates a couple times a month, and we've established that we're meeting twice a year, around Christmas and the baby's birthday.

What were the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

I think the toughest part is the waiting. It's a lot to get ready for the home study and get your profile online. Then it's just a holding pattern until you get chosen by a birthmother. We were on pins and needles for months. I can only imagine how difficult it is for people who have to wait years.

Adopting a baby can be a lengthy process — how did you get through the wait?

We waited until our profile was active, and then we slowly started to get ready, both mentally and in preparation. For example, we started to inherit some of the baby items from our family that we knew we'd be getting once we actually had a baby. We slowly started to get the nursery ready, just in case we were picked. Then, once we were picked, we went from zero to a hundred and were ready rather quickly.

Would you adopt again? Why or why not?

Absolutely! We want to have a younger brother or sister for our baby. We had such a positive experience, we want to be able to do that again!

What advice do you have to share with other adoptive parents?

Adoption was the best decision we ever made. We love our baby more than we ever knew it was possible. She's a member of our family, and our whole family loves her with the intensity of the world. If there's ever a moment's hesitation, there shouldn't be. Our baby is remarkable and wonderful, and it's hard to imagine our lives any other way.