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How it all began...

Longing for a Child

We always wanted to be parents but did not realize we would have such trouble starting a family. We reached a point where we had exhausted all options to conceive but did not want to give up hope. We pursued adoption because we had family members who adopted.

We had gotten a recommendation from another company to reach out to Angel Adoption, so we filled out an application and met with Angel staff. They made us feel welcome, so we joined. Feelings of hope and gratitude were just some of the emotions we felt. Our family had been touched by adoption a lot, so everyone was supportive and happy for us.


We were hopeful when we were chosen for the first time, but it did not work out, which was a little discouraging. We would have several opportunities throughout our journey that would not work out. Sometimes it was because she decided to parent, and other times she chose another family. We knew these were chances we needed to take in order to find our child. We knew there was a reason those six opportunities did not work out, even if in the moment, we did not understand why.

One day we were chosen by an expectant mother for the last time. We talked for a while, and after our conversation, she told us she felt great about us and wanted to choose us. Janice could not even talk because she was crying. It felt nice to hear those words after so many opportunities that did not work out.

We waited for the expectant mother to confirm she wanted to move forward with us with Angel staff. For some reason, this felt different than all the others, and we never felt like she would change her mind. She always reassured us that this was what she wanted, and we were so grateful.

Baby Time

We continued to talk to the expectant mother and built a relationship with her. She called us to tell us her water broke and not to panic. This was a call we were waiting for, and we could not believe this was happening. We had to get our finances in order and were on the road to her in six hours. The baby was already born once we arrived. We were waiting for her to make a decision and did not want her to feel pressured. We stayed at the hotel, and the next morning we got a call around 10 a.m. They said we could go to the hospital, so we left and waited till around 2 p.m. The attorney visited with us and said she was signing paperwork, and as soon as that was all taken care of, then we would be able to see the baby.

The birthmom was feeling so tired, so it took some time for her to sign everything. Two hours later, we were able to see our baby boy. We were able to hold him for the first time, and our hearts were forever full of love for this handsome boy. Janice was in tears, and we were extremely grateful. The nurses said we could stay at the hospital so we could bond with him instead of only visiting with him during visiting hours. The feeling we felt over the next couple days and still feel when thinking of our son is something we cannot put into words.

Stay Hopeful

When you are thinking of giving up or feeling discouraged, do not allow yourself to give up. Stay hopeful and patient so you are ready when your call comes. Waiting and going through all the ups and downs is not easy, but it will be worth it once everything works out.

We still keep in contact with the birthmother and provide her with updates. We always say that the day we adopted our son, everyone in our lives did too. He is loved and adopted by everyone, and he is the best part of our lives. We are forever grateful to our son’s birthmother for providing us with the gift of parenthood.