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How It All Began...

The Burnout

We always knew we wanted to have a family, so for the past five years, we fostered. We loved fostering because we knew we were helping children, but we dealt with some tough and emotional situations. After discussing what we wanted to do, we decided it was time to give adoption a chance, hoping it would have a better outcome than some of our fostering situations did. We both wanted to experience what it was like to have a newborn and go through all of the stages of life with them. After being burned out with fostering and seeing the system fail at times, we were looking for permanency because of all the heartache we previously went through.

Embarking on Our New Journey

After doing research, we started calling around to different agencies. We found Angel Adoption, and when we had our meeting with them, it was clear they were just as excited as we were to embark on this journey. It can be scary because you do not know what your future will hold. With the people at Angel Adoption supporting us, we felt as comfortable as we could as we started this exciting yet scary chapter of our lives.

As we told our family and friends about our decision to pursue adoption, they were nothing but excited for us. They knew we have always wanted to adopt, so it came as no surprise when we shared the news. They still were apprehensive about adoption, however, because they saw what we had gone through prior to this journey. While still being cautious, they were extremely supportive because they knew what joy adoption can bring as we both have family members who have adopted.

During our adoption journey, we were connected with a few different expectant mothers. None of these situations seemed to work out, leaving us heartbroken and wondering if this was ever going to happen. As doubt started to fill our minds, we reminded ourselves this process takes time and the right expectant mother would find us.

Everything Falling into Place

Just as we were having those thoughts, Angel called us about another potential expectant mother who wanted to talk with us. We were apprehensive at first but let down our guard as we knew she was different from all the other expectant mothers we had talked to. There was an immediate connection between the three of us, making us feel like we had been a part of each other’s lives for years.

As time went on, our relationship continued to grow. We talked every day on the phone, whether that was through text messages, phone calls, or FaceTime. She involved us throughout the entire process, giving us updates on her doctor visits as well as sending sonogram pictures. She would always assure us that this was our child who was being placed in our loving home.

As her due date approached, the baby was measuring on the smaller side. Taking the proper precautions, her doctor moved up her cesarean date. An actual due date made planning a lot easier for us. Leading up to her C-section, we allowed time to meet her in person. We took her out to dinner the night before her C-section. As we talked over dinner, we felt as though she was already a part of our family. We hugged immediately and then dove right into conversation. Our relationship with her was so natural, and we are extremely thankful for that.

The Day That Changed Our Lives

The following day we drove her to the hospital knowing this would be the day our lives would forever change. Katrina was allowed in the operating room, and Jaclyn walked as far as she could as they wheeled her back; she told us how much she loved us. We were changing her life as she was changing ours. There was a sense of relief knowing that everything we have dreamed of was finally coming true.

Meeting Magnolia for the first time was life-changing. As soon as Katrina heard her little cries, tears filled her eyes as excitement filled her body. She immediately shouted, “Happy birthday,” and texted Jaclyn the time when Magnolia was born. As the excitement filled the room, she looked over at Magnolia’s birthmother to make sure she was okay. She smiled, and Katrina felt the reassurance that this process worked. It was one of the best days of our lives.

We were lucky enough to have our own hospital room, allowing time with Magnolia. While her birthmother was in recovery, we would check to see how she was doing and even brought Magnolia to see her. Having them meet meant everything to us. We could not have asked for a better birthmother for Magnolia. She was open and transparent about the entire process, which allowed for such a deep, real relationship between us. We are forever grateful for our relationship with her and could not thank her enough for giving us our greatest gift.

Fostering Meets Adoption

As we continued our journey with fostering, we were allowed to adopt our sweet boy, Tristan, who was 15 months old. We were apprehensive about telling Magnolia’s birthmother about him because we did not want her to think we did not want to move forward with her. As selfless as she is, she was over the moon excited for us. She was so excited Magnolia was going to have a big brother. Our dreams of fostering and adoption are finally our reality. We now have the family we have always wished for.

Our Advice to You

As we reflect on our journey, we find it is important for you to know that patience is key. Do not settle or force a situation if it does not feel right. Know that if an expectant mother chooses a different family, that child was supposed to be in their arms. You will find the child that was meant to be placed in your arms, and the doubts and fears will be wiped away. Magnolia’s birthmother was our angel, and we were hers. Your child will come to you when it is meant to be. Enjoy your journey because one day you will be sharing your amazing story.