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How it all began...

Starting our Adoption Journey

From the very beginning of our marriage, both of us knew we wanted to start a family. After facing some heartbreaking challenges with infertility, we turned our hearts to adoption. We ended up feeling a deep connection to the process through Angel Adoption. We were drawn to Angel not only because of the owners’ relatable story of overcoming infertility themselves, but also because of the company’s overall compassionate, person-centered approach.

Our journey began amid the uncertainty of a global pandemic, which added unforeseen layers of complexity and anxiety. Despite those challenges, we were filled with excitement and bolstered by an overwhelming amount of support from our friends and family. Those early stages were filled with a mix of excitement and nerves, and we had many questions about what to expect.

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster

Our path to parenthood was anything but straightforward. With the first expectant mother who chose us, we made the very difficult decision to walk away from the opportunity because the situation just wasn't right for us. That choice, while painful, was a testament to our commitment to ensuring the best outcome for everyone involved, especially the child. We did worry whether or not we would ever be chosen again, but we were determined to do what we truly felt was best and we held on to hope as we moved forward.

Over the next year, we were lucky to have been chosen by several more expectant mothers. Unfortunately, each situation ended with the expectant mother choosing to parent or other circumstances that prevented the placement from happening. These repeated heartbreaks tested our resolve to keep moving forward, and sharing news of each potential adoption with our families also became increasingly difficult.

A Turning Point

Just as our contract time was ending, we lost contact with another potential birthmother. Angel Adoption generously extended our contract time. This gesture of support came at a critical time as we were feeling burnt out by the feeling burnt out by the emotional demands of the adoption process and had been considering taking a break from it altogether.

The call that changed everything came quite unexpectedly. We were on a weekend getaway, trying to recharge and find peace amid disappointment. Angel called to let us know that an expectant mother who was carrying a baby boy had chosen us and wanted to connect with us immediately. We spent the next three months communicating and building a relationship with her. Her apparent certainty about her adoption plans and her openness in communication were a stark contrast to all our previous experiences and rekindled our hope.

Meeting Lucas & His Birth Family

Our communication with the expectant mother was still going very well when we learned her due date was pushed up. Then, just three days later, we found out she was being induced that same day! Having made no prior arrangements, we found ourselves rushing to the hospital with an overwhelming mix of excitement and nervousness.

When we arrived, the wonderful hospital staff was incredibly accommodating and gave us a private room. We had enough time before the induction to be able to meet the expectant mother and father and spend some quality time with them. The natural and heartfelt conversations we had with them before our son’s birth felt like the culmination of a long-held dream.

Shortly after our son, Lucas, was born, the hospital staff rolled him into our room to meet us. The moment we met him, we knew it was always supposed to be him. The feelings we felt were indescribable. We were able to hold him skin-to-skin, and the instant connection we felt totally and completely affirmed our arduous journey. Everything we had experienced — all of the difficult waiting and the emotional ups and downs — had brought us to this incredible moment.

The birthmother graciously included the name we had chosen for him on the birth certificate. It was a profound gesture that showed her trust and respect for us as Lucas's parents. We couldn’t be more grateful for her gift. We maintain an open adoption with Lucas's birthmother and communicate with her frequently. This ongoing relationship is important to us because we want Lucas to understand the depth of love that went into his adoption.

Overcoming Challenges

The biggest challenges were managing the emotional ups and downs and maintaining faith that the right opportunity would come. Therapy played a crucial role in helping her cope, providing a space to process feelings and stay hopeful.

We encourage other prospective adoptive parents to trust the process, lean on support systems, and stay grounded in the belief that everything happens for a reason. While the journey can be daunting, the joy and fulfillment at its conclusion are beyond compare.