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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt?

It was always something we felt God had tucked away in our hearts to do. We both just knew when that the timing was right!

What made you choose Angel Adoption?

We had been researching many different agencies. Angel Adoption really piqued our interest with their affordable costs, testimonies of other adoptive families, and caring staff. They were always easy to get ahold of and were eager to help every step of the way. They were the perfect fit.

What were some of the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

The waiting, not knowing, and lack of control. It is hard when you are ready to adopt to be sitting there, watching other families get chosen and trying to accurately represent who you are on an online profile. You will hear that when it is the right time, it will happen, which at the time is so hard to hear and at times even hard to believe. But there is truth in that and when that little baby who is meant for your family comes, it is worth every minute you waited.

What were you most nervous about?

Meeting and talking with the expectant mother. It is a very awkward moment for both of you. They are essentially interviewing you as a potential parent to their baby and you are trying to do well expressing who you are to her. It is a very sensitive, emotional time for the expectant mother, so I think it makes it even more nerve-wracking.

What were you most excited about?

Being chosen! Knowing that an expectant mother has chosen you to be the parents to their baby is amazing and such an honor. This is something we had prayed for, cried over, stressed over, and waited so long to have. When the day came to meet our daughter in the hospital, to be welcomed so lovingly by the birthmother and her family, it was just like a fairy tale. It truly is worth every moment and every step of the journey.

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

They were all supportive and excited for us. It was wonderful to see how many of them helped us raise money, threw us baby showers and just loved on us through every step.

Did you choose an open or closed adoption - and how did you make that decision?

We chose an open adoption. After spending time with our daughter's birthmother and seeing how much love she carried for her child, it was easy to choose open adoption. We wanted what was best for our daughter as she grew older. Knowing that your birthmother loves you and never stopped caring for you can help your child when they enter those years of questioning why they were placed for adoption.

What was it like meeting the birthmother?

We were all super nervous and it was awkward at first, but once we got past the first 15 minutes things seemed to go very smoothly and we all loosened up a bit.

Adopting a baby can be a lengthy process - how did you get through the wait?

Lots of prayer and trust in God! Also, the Angel staff was a huge help and listening ear for us. All of the women at Angel are so sweet and there to help you every step of the way.

Describe receiving the call that your baby was being born and traveling to meet her.

We had just gotten back from visiting family over Thanksgiving. I had just pulled into our local grocery when my phone started ringing! It was Angel telling me that an expectant mother was interested in us and wanted to talk. That’s where it all started.

Describe the feeling of finally meeting your baby.

It was an amazing and surreal experience. We had such a wonderful expectant mother who allowed me to be in the delivery room. We held hands as our daughter was being born. It was a beautiful memory I hold dear to my heart. So many tears, emotions, and love were experienced as we witnessed the miracle of Mia being born. It was the perfect day.

What is your relationship like with the birth family?

The birth family was very sweet and welcoming to us. Honestly, they treated us just like family. We spent hours and hours together during labor. We laughed and shared memories of our families, watched TV, and really enjoyed the whole experience together. We hold a great relationship with them to this day.

What is something you would like to share with other adoptive parents?

It is a journey and some families will be chosen quicker than others but your child is out there and the timing will be perfect. Don’t feel that you are ever being silly or that a question is dumb. The Angel Adoption staff is wonderful and are there to help you along the way. Find other families that have adopted that you can talk with and learn from. It is okay to cry and to feel overwhelmed, it is a very emotional journey, but in the end when you are holding your beautiful baby it will be worth every tear.