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How it all began...

Embracing the Journey of Adoption

We had always dreamed of adopting a child. When we decided to start our family, we were faced with fertility issues. After several unsuccessful attempts with IUI and experiencing the heartbreak of pregnancy loss, we decided not to pursue more expensive and invasive fertility treatments. Instead, we turned our focus towards adoption, a path we had always felt strongly about.

We felt a mix of excitement and apprehension as we embarked on our adoption journey. We were eager to start this new chapter in our lives. Our friends and family were incredibly supportive of our decision to adopt. The encouragement and love that poured in from our close circle provided us with the strength and reassurance we needed to move forward.

Nervous Beginnings to a Heartfelt Connection

Shortly after beginning our adoption journey, we had our first conversation with an expectant mother. We were so nervous when we initially reached out to her, but we had great conversations through text over the next few weeks. We were feeling happy with the conversation but wouldn’t let ourselves get overly excited. We wanted to manage our expectations and we understood there were a lot of uncertainties we were facing through the process.

Responses from the expectant mother became sporadic, and eventually, we stopped hearing from her altogether. While we were disappointed, we knew this was normal and that inconsistent communication is often part of the adoption journey.

We continued to remain hopeful and lean into the waiting process when our coordinator at Angel reached out with some wonderful news: we had been chosen by another expectant mother! We were beyond excited to be singled out a second time, and so soon after our first opportunity! We reached out to the expectant mother right away and began a conversation.

The expectant mother was amazing! The connection we formed was immediate and heartfelt. We continued building a relationship with her and got to know eachother better. The expectant mother was due the very next week. The expectant mother was experiencing false labor contractions. This was the time her due date was pushed back by a month. Luckily, we did not have to wait that long; the very next week we received the exciting news, just two weeks after beginning our connection with the expectant mother.

A Father's Day to Remember

It was Father’s Day weekend, a Saturday. We had just finished setting up new patio furniture in our backyard and we were leaving the grocery store when we received a text from the expectant mother telling us she was in labor and on her way to the hospital. That moment was surreal. We were overwhelmed by a mix of anticipation, excitement, and nerves as we dropped everything and hurried to the hospital.

Meeting our baby for the first time was a dreamlike and emotional experience. The gender of the baby was a surprise to us, and we were completely overwhelmed with joy when a nurse came down and asked if we were ready to meet our baby girl.

Holding our daughter for the first time, we felt an instant and profound connection. We were completely wrapped up in the intense emotions that come from seeing your child for the first time. It was at that moment when our world felt complete. We could not have been more in love with this beautiful baby girl. All the setbacks leading up to her arrival was worth the wait!

How Trust Transformed Our Adoption Journey

We are so thankful for our daughter’s birthmother. Our relationship with her has gone very well! Our mutual respect and healthy communication allowed us to navigate the complexities of adoption with grace and understanding. Initially, she wanted a closed adoption with no contact after the birth. However, we had built such a strong, trusting, and supportive relationship with her throughout her pregnancy, that we ended up fostering an unexpected but very welcomed open adoption arrangement. This decision evolved naturally, and we are so grateful for the opportunity to remain in contact with her.

Through all of the ups and downs of our adoption journey, we were left with our biggest piece of advice for other adoptive parents going through this process: Trust your instincts and do not let external opinions or “adoption horror stories” affect your journey. Every adoption story is unique, and staying true to one's own path is crucial for a positive experience. Learning to release control and trust wholeheartedly that what is meant to be will be truly helped us float through the waves toward parenthood.

Through our journey, we found that the challenges and uncertainties of adoption were far outweighed by the joy and fulfillment of welcoming our beautiful baby girl into our lives. Our story is a testament to the power of hope, resilience, and love in the journey to parenthood.