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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt a baby?

We struggled with infertility and after trying IVF we prayed about it and were led to adoption and foster care. We weighed our options between the two and ultimately felt we were being called to the adoption journey as a way to grow our family.

Why did you choose to work with Angel Adoption?

We were immediately drawn to the agency because of the name, Angel. After so much praying we felt is was a sign that we were on the right path.

What were your feelings as you began your adoption journey?

We were so excited and found comfort in all the staff at Angel. They truly were there for us and provided a ton of education about working with expectant mothers and the adoption process in general. We had some road bumps working with our home study agency and found that to be frustrating, but our Adoptive Parent Coordinator, Samantha was always there providing answers to all our questions and helping us. She was very forthcoming and honest, which is something we value.

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

We have had a ton of support. Our family was doing the “happy dance” as soon as we told them. Our wonderful neighbors were so supportive, even hosting a fundraiser for us to raise money for our adoption journey. The love continued even after we brought Faith home when our coworkers threw her a “Welcome Home” party. We feel very blessed to be surrounded by love and support.

Did you choose an open or closed adoption? How did you make that decision?

We chose a semi-open adoption, however Faith’s birth mother was never really clear on that. We haven't spoken to her since we left the hospital with Faith. She stopped wanting to talk to us and we are being respectful of her wishes.

Describe receiving the call that your baby was being born and traveling to meet him or her.

We received a text from Faith’s birth mother with a picture of our sweet baby girl that said “Your baby is here”. We packed up and headed straight to the hospital. We were so excited, but nervous and apprehensive as we didn't know what to expect or if the adoption would go through.

Describe the experience of finally meeting your baby.

Meeting Faith for the first time was surreal. It was “over the top beautiful” and we were crying tears of joy that this moment had arrived. We still look back on the pictures of that moment and day get all teary eyed. Faith is such a blessing in our lives.

What is your relationship like with your baby’s birth mother?

We struggled with our relationship with Faith’s birth mother, as she wasn’t very honest with us about her lack of prenatal care that resulted in Faith having a broken clavicle during her birth. She had failed to mention her drug use. Faith was born with marijuana in her system as well and although we weren't prepared for that information, we were still so happy to be chosen as her adoptive parents.

What were the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

Our biggest challenge was the period while we were waiting to hear back from the attorney that ICPC had been cleared and we could take Faith home.

Adoption can be a lengthy process — how did you get through the wait?

We adopted really quickly, so thankfully we didn’t have to endure a long waiting period. It is something we are so thankful for, as the adoption journey is already challenging enough.

Would you adopt again? Why or why not?

We feel our family is complete with our beautiful blessing, Faith. We would do things all over again, even with all the road bumps, just to have her in our arms. She is our biggest miracle. Listening to her say Dada and Mama is such a joy. She is now blowing us kisses, loves looking in the mirror, and loves wearing her sunglasses.

What advice do you have to share with other adoptive parents?

Be patient and stay positive. You have to remain cautiously optimistic and be ready for anything. Faith was worth every second of our journey.