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How It All Began...

Choosing Our Path to Parenthood

When we started family planning, we found ourselves faced with infertility. We started considering adoption and did some online research. We found Angel and felt like they were a great fit for us.

We were so excited to share with our friends and family that we were adopting, and everyone was incredibly supportive. They could not wait to welcome another child into their lives. We were equally as excited to be starting the process and enthusiastic about the journey ahead.

An Instant Connection

Only weeks after joining Angel’s program, our profile was selected by an expectant mother. We could not believe how fast things were happening, and it was very unexpected. Unfortunately, after only a couple conversations with the expectant mother, the opportunity fizzled out. We were later selected by a second expenant mother with the same outcome.

About one year into our time with Angel, our profile was selected a third time. During our first conversation, we found we had a lot in common and had so much to talk about. That first day, we spoke on and off all day through texting and voice chat. As we got to know each other further, the expectant mother was open with us and included us in doctor appointments from afar. Occasionally, she would take time to herself and pause communication with us, but she was always honest with us about how she was feeling. These times away from each other always caused us a little panic, but each time she would reopen the door to communication after just a couple days away.

Toward the end of the expectant mother’s second trimester, we had the opportunity to spend the weekend with her and her family and close friends. We spent the weekend hanging out together, sharing meals, and building a deeper connection.

An Emotional Meeting

As we got closer to the expectant mother’s due date, we started making our travel arrangements. The expectant mother was planning to be induced, so we were able to plan our long drive accordingly. We had booked a hotel near the hospital and couldn’t wait to meet our baby. The expectant mother ultimately decided she did not want us part of her labor and delivery, which we respected. The day of the induction, we found ways to pass the time until we heard from her that the baby had been born. We wanted to allow her the time she needed with her child before we came to meet them.

When we finally got word our daughter had been born, we headed straight to the hospital. The same people we had met during our first visit were there with the birthmother, and they were able to video us walking in and meeting our daughter, Waylynn, for the first time. We were so emotional meeting her and could not believe she was finally here.

Once we were approved to discharge, we spent the following days with Waylynn and her birthmother. We hosted her family at our Airbnb for a holiday meal, and her birthmother wanted to introduce her to friends; we loved sharing our precious girl with others who loved her just as much as we do.

We have since maintained an open adoption with Waylynn’s birthmother. At times, we have had to find boundaries that work for everyone, but our relationship has remained positive. We speak almost daily, have had video calls, and have plans in the future to spend time together in person. We are grateful each day for the opportunity Waylynn’s birthmother provided us—the opportunity to be parents.

Pushing Forward

We knew this process was never going to be easy, but we would not have predicted how much our emotions and faith were tested. When Waylynn’s birthmother would stop communicating with us, those were the moments that had us questioning ourselves the most. We knew we had to continue to push forward, even when we felt like giving up. We know every misstep and difficult moment was worth it because it led us straight to Waylynn.