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How it All Began...

Crafting Our Future One Step at a Time

Brianna has severe PCOS, and getting pregnant on our own was not an option for us. We know now it was for the best. We are so happy to follow God’s plan for us to go on the adoption journey.

In the beginning, we did a lot of research. Every single review and success story we read and remembered were from Angel. It wasn’t hard to decide on partnering with Angel for our process.

Like any parents, we were nervous, excited, and hopeful. We kept on telling ourselves we were paper pregnant. We just didn’t know when the due date was. This helped us set our expectations and remain optimistic throughout the process.

When we told our friends and family about our decision to adopt, their responses warmed our hearts. They knew about our fertility struggles and were so excited for us to finally become parents.

From the beginning of the journey, we wanted to be as honest as possible with the people we were going to partner with. The expectant mother was giving us an opportunity of a lifetime to become parents, and we were grateful. This is why we chose to always remain open and welcomed the expectant mother with open arms.

Crafting and Keeping Busy

During the months of waiting, we both kept busy. Brianna’s a crafter and loved to spend time on Pinterest. She crafted all of Liam’s nursery items during that time. Friends and family commented on how we wouldn’t have had any place to put anything else if he hadn’t arrived when he did. Brian also kept busy with his work. In some ways, keeping busy saved us from always worrying about the outcome.

One Single Phone Call That Changed Everything

When we got our call to come to the hospital, we didn’t expect the pent-up emotions inside us throughout all of it. But when we received the phone call, we just bawled. The journey had been such a long wait for us. To say we were overjoyed is an understatement.

When we were in the waiting room, we were anxious. Once he was born, we went to nursery to see him, and it felt like a dream come true. In some ways, we couldn’t believe that it was real. We simply cried and cried. Meeting him, holding him, and smelling his baby smell was the picture-perfect moment we’d been waiting for. We couldn’t be happier.

We Never Met Her

Throughout our process, we never met his birthmother. In some ways, we understand why she chose to not meet. We understand that it’s probably easier for her not to have the connection. From the times when we did communicate through text messages, we felt as close as friends can be without meeting each other. We understood what each other was going through. That’s what counts.

We have an open adoption. We are hopeful that Liam will one day get the chance to meet his birthmother.

The Strength of Our Family

Our journey to become parents has been filled with twists and turns. We are proud to have come through on the other end stronger as a couple. We believe the entire process prepared us to become better parents. We are so appreciative of being parents that we can easily weather ups and downs in our family and in parenthood.

To adoptive parents who are wondering about the ups and the downs, we just want you to know they will make your family stronger. The key throughout the journey is to simply manage your emotions, stay active, and not think too much about the outcome. We hope every couple that wants to be parents gets a chance like we did.

In the end, this is what life is all about. It’s not about joy all the time. It’s about the journey of weathering the ups and downs to experience joy in a way you never thought possible. We are grateful we are now living this joy every single day.