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How It All Began...

Building Our Family

We have always known we wanted to have a family. Adoption was always part of the conversation. We loved the idea of a family made up of both adopted and biological children but never knew the order we wanted to have our kids, although we knew it would happen how it was supposed to. We ended up having our biological daughter first. Unfortunately, throughout the pregnancy, BreAnna experienced complications leading to both our daughter and BreAnna’s lives being at risk. Shea was born with cerebral palsy, which we welcomed with open arms, but we knew it was going to be a tough road ahead.

We put adoption on hold until we felt comfortable with our situation with Shea. After about two and a half years, we felt we had a good grip on her needs, and we were ready to move forward with expanding our family through adoption. We started our research process and landed upon Angel Adoption. The name itself spoke to us, and we knew immediately that it was the agency for us. When we were in Florida on vacation, we decided to submit our application. We were extremely nervous and excited, but Angel was always there for us, making things simple and easing our nerves.

One day we received a call from Angel informing us that an expectant mother wanted to start talking with us. We were both extremely excited as we did not think it was going to be this fast for us. We started talking with her for a bit until she decided to keep her baby. We were heartbroken but knew she was making the right decision for herself and her baby. We understood, but it left us wondering if this was going to be our entire adoption journey.

Open to Opportunity

After that situation, we were contacted again by Angel about another expectant mother wanting to start communication with us. Of course we said yes, but she only wanted to communicate through email. We understood and respected her privacy. The more we got to know her, the more our relationship grew. She was such an amazing woman and knew we would be eternally grateful if she chose us to be the parents for her baby.

One day we got a call informing us she was in labor. We drove through the night to meet our baby. When we arrived at the hospital, the birthmother did not want to meet us. She had already welcomed our precious Kenzie (Little Z), and the first time we laid eyes on her, we were in heaven. We knew her birthmother was doing what she needed to do, and we cannot thank her enough for bringing our beautiful daughter into the world and building on to our family.

Years passed, and we found ourselves wanting another child. Adoption was always there, but we wondered if we were ready to go through the emotional journey again. Reflecting back, we knew adoption was for us, so we decided to adopt a second time. Embarking on this journey again, we had an understanding of what it would look like, although no two situations will ever be the same.

Growing Our Family Again

We signed back on with Angel, still guarding our hearts as we embarked on another adoption journey. We were active for only a few short weeks before we got a call from an expectant mother wanting to talk with us. We were overjoyed with the situation until one day our world came crumbling down. Our sweet Shea needed emergency brain surgery, and at that moment, we needed that connection more than ever to give us hope that everything was going to be okay. God knew we needed it to bring light to some of our darkest days. We were in the hospital with Shea for about three months but kept in contact with the expectant mother the entire time.

The timing worked out because Shea was released from the hospital, and she went into labor. We were extremely excited about the news and drove the 27 hours to her. We were so excited to meet our precious boy and even had his name picked out.

When we arrived at the hospital, the social worker informed us the mother wanted some more time with the baby. That is when the gut feeling kicked in. We knew at that moment she was deciding to parent. We were completely devastated. We knew this was a possibility with adoption, but you never think something like this will happen to you. The drive home was so hard because we had so much time to reflect and think. We still knew there was the right baby out there for us though.

By keeping our minds busy, we tried to not obsess over when we would be chosen again. This time around, the adoption process seemed longer, although we knew that if it was meant to happen, it would. Knowing that, we spent our summer focusing on the two children we did have and knew when the timing was right, it would happen.

Everything Falling into Place

We enjoyed our summer, and then one day we received a call from Angel about an expectant mother who was due in just two short weeks. We were nervous but excited at the same time. We wanted to pinch ourselves to see if it was really real. We started talking with her immediately, and the three of us knew we were meant for each other. Our bond with her grew stronger each day, and she told us she wanted us there a few days early and for the birth. We were feeling so many different emotions and knew then this moment was entirely different than the one we experienced just a few months prior.

We flew down a few days early, and we were able to meet in person. Our connection was instant and without any awkwardness. She ended up being a few days late, which gave us even more time to bond with each other. She ended up going into labor in the middle of the night, and when we found out, we rushed to the hospital. BreAnna was able to be in the room and cut the cord. It was something we will never forget. We welcomed our beautiful son, Maverick, and are just in awe of him. He is perfect.

Maverick’s birthmother is truly selfless. Adoption is such a selfless act, and we owe our entire world to it. We now have two beautiful girls and one beautiful boy. Adoption built us the family we have always dreamed of. We still do not know what the future holds and if adoption will be in the future, but what we do know is that even with all the heartache and roller coaster rides of emotions, it was all worth it.

Reflecting Back

Our advice for adoptive parents going through this journey would be to enjoy the moments and the time while waiting. There will be ups and downs and so many different emotions. Take time with your significant other, and lean on the people who mean the most to you. Each turn in your adoption journey will bring you closer to your baby. Some situations may be extremely difficult and may test your patience, but know that it will all be worth it in the end. We are living proof of that. We are thankful for each of our birthmothers every day for giving us our greatest gifts. This journey will always be worth it.