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How It All Began...

Leading Us to Adoption

Like a lot of people when they land on adoption, our journey to get here was not easy. We struggled for some time trying to have children when we found ourselves unable to naturally. Thankfully we have had some family members who have adopted in the past and saw how much happiness adoption brings.

Once we figured out we wanted to move on with our adoption process, we found ourselves researching different adoption agencies. We first looked at a few different Christian and Catholic agencies, but they seemed to be above our means. We continued our research until we found out about Angel Adoption. The minute we started talking with Angel, we knew it was the agency for us. They welcomed us with open arms and eased our emotions as we began this exciting journey.

Our Emotional Beginning

Like most people beginning this new journey, we were both very nervous but excited to see what adoption would bring us. When starting our process, we thought it was going to be a fairly quick process. We later learned that this was not the case. Thankfully, throughout our entire journey, we had our family and friends to lean on. When they found out we were moving forward with adoption, they were over-the-moon excited for us since they knew how much we have always wanted to have children and build a family.

Having such an amazing support system made the waiting period a little easier. As we began our process, we thought we were going to be chosen relatively quickly. We had a few nibbles here and there, but nothing seemed to stick. Our emotions were high as we questioned if this was the journey for us. Just as we began to have those negative thoughts, our journey took an unexpected turn. While Bill was working from home one day, he received a call from Angel about an expectant mother who wanted to get in touch with us. Sara was at work, and when she found out the news, she rushed home. Within 40 minutes of receiving the phone call from Angel, we started talking with her.

From that moment on, we were talking with her almost daily. Things fell into place when we were finally able to meet up with her. Leading up to it, our emotions were high because we wanted her to love us. We wanted to be ourselves, but in the back of our heads, we wondered if she was going to like us. Those feelings drifted away the minute we met her. There was an instant connection, especially regarding sports, reassuring us that this process was working.

The Call That Changed Our Lives

Leading up to her due date, we were eagerly anticipating the arrival of our son. One day Bill was working from home when he received a phone call that her water broke and she was in labor. Thankfully, Sara’s work allowed her to have her phone on her, and she saw the email from Bill coming through about the news. Sara rushed home while Bill was at home packing up the truck. Getting in the truck, we drove to meet our soon-to-be son.

When we got to the hospital, we received a call from our expectant mother’s mom informing us the baby was coming. Sara was allowed in the delivery room, which made the situation even more surreal. At that moment, our precious Levi entered the world, bringing immediate tears to our eyes. It is hard to put into words the emotions we felt, but all we can say was that it was instant love and such a surreal feeling knowing we had waited so long for this exact moment. We owe everything to Levi’s birthmother because she gave us our greatest gift. She embodies such selflessness, which is truly inspiring. Today we are still in communication with her and send her pictures and updates.

The Lessons of Adoption

Reflecting back, our journey taught us so much about patience. You begin to second guess yourself when connections are not happening. It was hard to see on social media when others were connected and we were not. Our thoughts automatically went to “What is wrong with us?” We knew how much love we have to give, but when things were not happening, we wondered if this was really the journey we were supposed to take. Through those rough times, we kept ourselves busy by taking walks and leaning on each other. We still thought about adoption, but we did not let it consume our daily lives.

To all the adoptive parents going through the adoption process, try to stay positive and know that it will happen when the timing is right. When we would see other children getting adopted, we knew they were in the homes they were meant to be in, just like Levi was meant to be in our home. Lean on your support system, and talk to others about how you are feeling. When we started our journey, we made a Facebook page about our adoption journey. It allowed others we knew to reach out to us and share their stories about their adoption journeys. Your baby will come to you when the timing is right. Patience is key, and we could not be more thankful for adoption building our family and finally making us the parents we have always dreamed of being. We love our precious Levi so much, and every moment we spent waiting was worth it.