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How it All Began...

The Journey of a Lifetime

We knew for a long time we wanted to have a big family with lots of children, both biological and adopted. We experienced a few years of fertility issues and knew we were unable to conceive biological children. It was at this point that we made the choice to pursue adoption and began preparing ourselves for the next part of our journey into parenthood. We knew we wanted to work with an independent agency, and when we came across Angel, we felt a connection right away. Knowing the founders are themselves adoptive parents was so comforting to us. We were so excited to be taking steps toward growing our family, and even though it was overwhelming at times, we were so happy to finally be on this path. Our family and friends were incredibly happy and supportive and shared in our excitement.

When we received word a birthmother wanted to speak with us, we were ecstatic. She was already eight months along, and from the very first time we spoke, we connected. It was so nice to talk and get to know one another. We were so excited to be able to arrive in her state a few days before our baby girl, Lanney, was born. Meeting our daughter for the first time was surreal and incredibly breathtaking. We were the first ones to hold her in our arms, and she was the most precious baby. There were times when we never thought we would get to this moment, and there we were, with our daughter in our arms. We kept in contact with her birthmother for about a year before contact with her fell off. She has our contact information and knows she can call us anytime, no matter how long it has been.

The Journey Continues

We had such a great experience with Angel that when we were ready to grow our family once again, it was an easy choice. The adoption journey that led us to our beautiful son, Kade, was different and a bit more emotionally trying. We spoke to two birthmothers before connecting with our son’s birthmother. The first one changed her mind after she gave birth, and the other one stopped talking to us after a few weeks; we never heard from her again. When we got the call from a third birthmother, we were happy to learn she lived nearby, and we had the opportunity to go with her to her doctor’s appointments. At one of these appointments, they discovered she had pre-eclampsia, and she was sent to the hospital to be induced. We were blessed to be there for the birth of Kade. Being able to witness his birth was magical, and we are so thankful to witness such a breathtaking moment. Being the first to welcome him into the world and into our family is unforgettable. After he was born, his birthmother did not want to see us, and we were respectful and understanding of her wishes. She spent a few hours with him overnight and then signed papers 48 hours later. Bringing Kade home to meet his big sister, Lanney, was a moment we will never forget. We are still in contact with his birthmother; we check in with her once a week and stay connected through Facebook.

Life After Adoption

Life with a newborn and a three-year-old was a bit chaotic. Things quickly kicked into high gear when we found out Audrey was pregnant. Kade was three months old at the time we found out, and it obviously came as a shock. We had surrendered to the fact that we would most likely never have biological children, so we were overjoyed. Our beautiful son Landon was born just six months later, and we could not be more thankful for each one of our miraculous children. They each bring us so much joy, and we can’t imagine life without them.

We are definitely still open to adopting again and have always imagined having four children. We love the adoption process and being able to connect with a birthmother and build that relationship. We have gained so much more through the adoption process than we could have imagined. We love to share our story with others and welcome questions often as we are a well blended family with many different faces. It is an honor to be parents to our three beautiful miracles. We cannot wait to see what life has to offer us next.