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How it All Began...

Choosing Our Path

We always knew in our heart we wanted to become parents. After years of failed IVF treatments and numerous miscarriages, we decided to turn our journey into parenthood over to God. We came to the realization that we could still grow our family, maybe not in the way we expected, but through the miracle of adoption. We chose to work with Angel Adoption and have been blessed to have placed not only once, but twice, with them. Though both adoption journeys came with their own set of challenges, both experiences have shaped us and impacted our lives in ways we never thought possible.

Our First Adoption Journey

When we first began working with Angel Adoption we were so excited and apprehensive, as we had no idea how things would play out. We never expected what we experienced, but we now understand fully what God was preparing us for.

During our contract, we connected with an expectant mother who ultimately changed her mind and decided to parent. We had flown across the country to bring our baby home, only to find out that we would not be able to. Going back home empty-handed was devastating, to say the least. We had gotten to the 23rd month of our contract and had practically given up hope and began questioning if we were even meant to become parents. After suffering this loss and the loss of April’s mom, we felt defeated.

Finally, in our last month, we received the call that changed our lives forever. We had an expectant mother interested in us AND she wanted to meet with us in person. When we met her, Ron was so talkative and felt an instant connection, while I felt more reserved and didn’t want to get my hopes up at that point. Within a few days, Angel called us to tell us that she loved us and wanted to move forward, as she was going to be giving birth within the next few days.

When we got the call that she was in labor, we drove as fast as we could to get to her. We made it to the hospital 20 minutes after she gave birth. When we arrived, we met our beautiful baby girl, Delani. Meeting our daughter for the first time felt like a dream. Everything felt so natural and easy. It felt familiar and meant to be. This was why the others had failed and this was the child that God was holding for us. She is strong willed, very determined, and loving.

While in the hospital, we were able to bond with Delani’s birthmother and build our relationship. We continue to have communication with her and have even had a weekend together when Delani was about six months old.

Growing Our Family Further

After experiencing the long wait for Delani, we decided to jump right back into the adoption process as soon as possible. Our profile was live less than a month when we got the call that we had been chosen by an expectant mother. We were beyond shocked and thrilled. We hit it off instantly with her and were even able to meet in person and spend time with her family. During this time our children played together and our bond grew stronger. She wanted an open adoption and we gladly accepted her wishes and had so much love and respect for her.

On May 24th, (which happens to be April’s mom’s birthday), our beautiful baby boy, Kairon, was born. Meeting him for the first time was nothing short of a dream. We felt so incredibly blessed to have been given such a gift for the second time.

What Our Journeys Taught Us

Adoption is an extremely emotional, beautiful, and at times, sad experience. Knowing what our childrens’ birthmothers sacrificed for us is something we will forever be grateful for. We see now that everything happened the way it did for a reason. It was all in Divine timing. Sometimes you just have to go through it all to see and appreciate the miracle on the other side of that pain. Sometimes it is hard to hear but when it does actually happen, you will have so much understanding and appreciation for the way it played out. These experiences have made us stronger, more compassionate, and more patient. We feel our family is complete and feel so incredibly blessed to have walked the adoption path twice.