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How it all began...

Deciding to Adopt Again

After experiencing the joy of adopting our daughter through Angel Adoption, we knew in our hearts that we wanted to grow our family further. The bond we formed with the team at Angel during our first adoption journey was so strong that when it came time to add a sibling for our daughter, there was no question about where we’d turn. Working with Angel was such a positive and supportive experience the first time around, and we couldn’t wait to start the process with them again.

This time, we felt more prepared and excited, knowing the journey ahead would bring us another incredible blessing. Having been through adoption before, we felt a lot more at ease. There was a deep sense of comfort, and we truly believed that everything would unfold in its own time, just as it had before. Our family and friends were just as excited as we were, cheering us on as we embarked on the road to bringing home a new little one.

The Path to Oliver

Our journey to meet our son Oliver moved faster than we could have imagined. Just three weeks after we started the adoption process again, we were chosen by an expectant mother. The excitement we felt was indescribable! We eagerly texted her early in the morning, only to feel anxious when we didn’t hear back right away. It wasn’t until the next day that she responded, explaining that she was a night owl. That response set the tone for the relaxed and easy-going relationship we would eventually form with her.

We kept in touch regularly for about two and a half weeks, as she was already nearing her due date. The birthmother wanted us to be present during the delivery, and the idea of being in the room when our son was born filled us with joy and the best kind of anticipation.

She was scheduled to be induced a bit earlier than expected, so we quickly packed up our whole family—our parents, our daughter, and the two of us—and made the journey In to be there for the big day.

The next morning, we headed to the hospital and just a few hours later, Oliver was born. I had the honor of being the first to hold him, which was an unforgettable moment. Meeting Oliver for the first time, we were filled with an overwhelming mixture of excitement and concern. Unfortunately, he needed to spend some time in the NICU. We were, of course, worried about his health, and his birthmother shared those concerns. She signed the papers allowing us to visit Oliver in the NICU, which we appreciated.

During Oliver’s initial NICU stay, I stayed with the birthmother. We had the opportunity to talk and connect, which was something we hadn’t experienced during our first adoption. It was truly beautiful to share those moments and bond with her. Three days after his birth, Oliver’s birthmother officially signed over her parental rights. It was an emotional and profound experience, one that we’ll always hold close to our hearts.

Meeting Oliver & Beyond

Being present for Oliver’s birth made the experience so much more meaningful. It was incredible to witness his entry into the world and to share that special moment with his birthmother. Our relationship with her remains positive.We’ve created a shared drive where we upload pictures of Oliver so she can see how he’s growing. It’s been a beautiful way to maintain that connection, and we’re grateful for the bond we’ve built with her.

While the adoption process moved quickly for us, it wasn’t without its challenges. Between navigating state requirements and dealing with Oliver’s time in the NICU, there were moments of stress. But through it all, we kept faith in the process. The waiting period, though short, was filled with hope and anticipation.

Our advice to other adoptive parents is to keep your faith in the journey and remember the challenges that birthmothers face. It’s important to empathize with their experience. Understand that while it’s exciting to grow your family, it’s equally challenging for a birthmother to make such a difficult decision. Always approach the process with love, patience, and understanding. We’re so grateful for Oliver and for the incredible support we received throughout this journey.