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How it all began...

The Road to Adoption

After struggling with infertility for six years and undergoing multiple unsuccessful IVF treatments, my partner and I realized that adoption was the path we were meant to take to fulfill our dreams of parenthood. We had always felt drawn to adoption, and despite the challenges we faced along the way, we remained determined that it was the way we would build our family.

We chose to work with Angel Adoption because of their reputation for providing compassionate and supportive services to hopeful adoptive parents like us. From the moment we connected with them, we were sure that we were in good hands as we embarked on our adoption journey.

All the Emotions

As we began our adoption journey, we experienced a whirlwind of emotions. All at the same time, we were scared of the unknown, nervous about the process, and excited about the prospect of welcoming a child into our lives. Despite the uncertainties, we held onto hope and remained steadfast in our commitment to becoming parents through adoption.

Our friends and family understood the challenges we had faced with infertility. They were incredibly supportive of our decision to adopt and cheered us on every step of the way. Their unwavering support gave us the strength and encouragement we needed to persevere through the ups and downs of the adoption process.

Long Road

Our journey to parenthood was not without its challenges. We encountered setbacks and disappointments along the way, but each experience only strengthened our resolve to continue pursuing our dreams of adoption. Despite facing adversity, we remained resilient, knowing that our journey would ultimately lead us to the child meant to be ours.

It’s hard going through your journey and not knowing if you will be picked again or if you just talked with the last expectant mother that would ever choose you. We stayed hopeful and leaned on each other through those thoughts and knew that what was waiting for us at the end of the wait would be amazing!

We navigated two opportunities before we found The One. The courageous woman who chose us was six months pregnant. Building a relationship with her was a joyous and meaningful experience, and we cherished the opportunity to get to know her and her story.

Our Family

We wanted to be present for the birth, and the birthmother knew she would be induced due to her experience with her other children. We made sure to arrive in her state a few days before her due date. When the call finally came that Breanna would be induced, we rushed to her side, filled with anticipation and excitement. Meeting our baby girl for the first time was a moment of pure joy and disbelief—it was a surreal experience that we will never forget.

Our relationship with our daughter’s birthmother continues to thrive, and she remains an important part of our lives and our daughter's life. We stay in touch regularly, sharing updates and milestones, and cherishing the bond we share as extended family. She is a part of our family forever.

The adoption process presented us with many challenges, from the uncertainties of the wait to the fear of potential disruptions. However, with the support of our loved ones and our unwavering determination, we navigated through the obstacles and emerged stronger than ever.

As we reflect on our adoption journey, we are filled with gratitude for the gift of parenthood and the love that fills our home each day. While the road to adoption may be long and arduous, it is a journey worth taking, filled with endless love, hope, and blessings.

Looking to the future, we are excited for all of the amazing moments to come with our daughter, knowing that our hearts have an infinite capacity for love. Our advice to other adoptive parents is simple—lean on your support system, remain resilient in the face of challenges, and never lose sight of the beautiful journey that lies ahead. Adoption is a testament to the power of love, and with patience and perseverance, dreams really do come true.