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How it all began...

How We Decided to Adopt a Baby

We always felt that adoption was something we were called to do. Even though we already had four wonderful children in our family, it just didn't quite feel like our family was complete yet.

The moment that solidified our decision to pursue adoption came when we were sorting through old clothes that had belonged to our son, intending to give them away. As we were doing so, I, Allison, unexpectedly started crying. I realized I wasn’t ready to close that chapter of our lives yet. That’s when we knew we were meant to adopt. We had so much love and space in our hearts for another child, and we were confident that adoption was the path for us.

We first learned about Angel Adoption from a family friend who had adopted with them. Their experience was so positive that we decided to set up a meeting and learn more.

Starting Our Adoption Journey

From the very first conversation with the staff at Angel, we felt at ease. They were supportive, knowledgeable, and understanding. They reassured us about the adoption process, which made us feel confident in our decision to move forward with them. Angel felt like the perfect fit for our family and the right partner to help us navigate our adoption journey.

When we began the process, we were filled with excitement and anticipation. Our close friends and family were just as excited as we were, although there was some hesitation from a few people who didn’t fully understand the adoption process. Some worried that something might happen that would cause us to lose the child after having bonded with them for years. But we knew exactly what adoption involved and had zero doubts. Our kids were incredibly supportive too—they would even say a prayer every night for their future brother or sister, which brought a lot of hope and faith into the process for all of us.

Shortly after starting the waiting period, we were chosen for an opportunity to adopt. That expectant mother ultimately chose to move forward with another family she felt more of a connection with. It was disappointing, but we didn’t lose hope.

Meeting Juliette

A few months later, we were chosen again, this time by an amazing expectant mother named Juliette. And that’s when everything changed. We talked with her every day and quickly became close friends. The bond we developed was truly special. We drove down to meet her before the baby was born, and it felt like visiting an old friend. While we were there, we accompanied her to an ultrasound appointment, which was such a meaningful experience. Leaving her to go back home afterward was tough, but we knew we’d see her again soon.

Unfortunately, Juliette had complications late in her pregnancy. We never learned exactly what she had, but we think it was preeclampsia. One night, we received a text from Juliette saying she was feeling very sick. After a call with her doctor, they decided to induce her labor in a few short days. With that news, we immediately made our travel plans and flew down to be with her as soon as possible.

A Surreal and Emotional Experience

We went to a hotel near the hospital and planned to get some rest while we waited for news. We were able to spend time with Juliette and her mother before she headed to the hospital to start her induction. Just after we started to fall asleep, we got a message telling us to come to the hospital right away!

We rushed to the hospital, and when Allison walked into Juliette’s room, the nurse said to Juliette, “Okay, Allison is here, you can push now!” It was such a surreal and emotional moment to be there for the birth of our son. I, Allison, will never forget when I asked Juliette if I could go see the baby. She looked at me and said, “Yes, you are his mom!” That moment will forever be etched in my heart.

We have an open adoption with Juliette, although she did tell us early on that communication from her might not be very frequent. This was the hardest thing she’s ever done, so we completely understand and respect that. We send her regular pictures and updates about our son, and whenever we do hear from her, she always thanks us. It’s important to us that Juliette knows how much our whole family loves and appreciates her. We all including our kids pray for her. We consider her a part of our family forever, which just goes to show how much love is involved in this beautiful journey.

Advice for Waiting Families

The waiting period was the hardest part for us. We experienced moments of doubt and wondered why we weren’t being chosen. Through it all, however, our kids had more faith than we did. Their unwavering belief helped us stay strong and reminded us that everything happens in its own time.

For other adoptive families, we would say to stay faithful and encouraged. The journey may be long and challenging at times, but it will work out the way it’s supposed to, and when it does, it’s worth every moment of waiting.