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How it All Began...

How did you decide to adopt a baby?

We always dreamed of having a family together. When we decided it was the right time, we experienced trouble getting pregnant. After several doctors appointments, we still felt hopeful. We knew that however our family would come together was going to be right for us. During the months of trying to get pregnant, adoption kept presenting itself to us in different ways. We began having serious conversations about adopting. We believed, “If this is how we are to build a family, it will happen for us.” We had so many questions about how it would work and what our life would be like, but once we signed with Angel Adoption, we never looked back. It was the best decision we’ve ever made for our family!

Why did you choose to work with Angel Adoption?

We looked into every kind of adoption at first. As we were researching, we came across Angel Adoption. The minute we looked at their website, they felt like the right fit for us. We spoke with Liz over the phone with ease. Her warm spirit was a great first impression for us. We felt we could really trust everyone at Angel after that!

What were your feelings as you began your adoption journey?

We were incredibly nervous, but also excited. The nervousness came from the unknown. Will this work out for us? Will we be okay financially? Will we be good parents? We went through so many classes about parenthood that we wouldn’t have otherwise gone through, so the whole experience made us reflect a lot more before adding a child to the family. Looking back on it, all the extra reflection at the beginning made us ready to be the parents we are now.

How did your friends and family react to your decision to adopt?

The amount of love and support we received was incredible! We couldn’t believe the number of people who wanted to learn about the process. We were very open with family and friends, updating them with news so they were there with us through it all. We were so blessed with an amazing support system who helped us every step of the way.

Did you choose an open or closed adoption? How did you make that decision?

We were open to anything, but in the end, we chose an open adoption. We truly believe it is best for our families. There was so much happiness the day Susie was born, but there was also a sadness we did not expect. We yearned to keep the connection with Susie’s birthmother after parting ways. We’re so thankful she felt the same! The more love Susie has surrounding her, the better!

Describe receiving the call that your baby was being born and traveling to meet her.

We were both at work when we received the news. I, Sallie, received a text from the caseworker in Texas. I called the caseworker who confirmed the baby had been born early that morning. I jumped in my car and told Adam over the phone. He didn’t believe me at first, because the due date wasn’t for another two weeks. As I drove home, my sister booked us the next available flight to Texas. I met Adam at the airport and we were so excited. We couldn’t stop praying that everything would be okay. Our flight arrived safely in Texas, but we weren’t able to get off the plane right away due to the weather. We then had an hour drive to the hospital. Those few hours were full of nerves and excitement, but it’s all a blur now!

What was it like meeting the birthmother for the first time?

We were so nervous walking into the hospital, but the minute we met our birthmother, our nerves disappeared. We all talked openly and connected through shared laughter. It was an experience we will always be thankful for.

Describe the experience of finally meeting your baby.

This was the best feeling in the world. It really felt surreal. We remember holding her for the first time, looking at her sweet face, knowing we’ve never loved anyone so much. She captured our hearts immediately.

What is your relationship like with your baby’s birthmother?

We will never have enough kind words to say about her. Because of her, we have the greatest gift of our lives. She gave us the gift of not only a beautiful baby girl, but the gift of parenthood as well. We had dreamed of this for so long and on some days truly questioned if it would happen. We think the world of her and reflect on her strength daily.

What were the biggest challenges of the adoption process?

The biggest challenge for us was the uncertainty. We questioned if it would even work for us. There were days we felt doubtful and tormented because we yearned to build a family so badly. There were definitely hard days. We really had to lean on each other during those moments. We prayed a lot too. This strengthened us into the parents we are today. Now we feel like we can conquer anything as a family!

Adoption can be a lengthy process — how did you get through the wait?

We are thankful our process was relatively short. We signed with Angel Adoption in May, by late August we were chosen, then our baby girl came in September. During the waiting months, we traveled, did home improvement projects, and went to adoption support groups. It was really helpful to keep busy and be around people who had experienced the same feelings we were experiencing.

Would you adopt again? Why or why not?

Absolutely! We always say if things fall into place as they did the first time, we would know it was a sign our family was meant to adopt again. We can’t wait to grow our family and look forward to the day Susie becomes a big sister.

What advice do you have to share with other adoptive parents?

During the process, control what you can: turn in paperwork, make payments, be honest with yourself about your expectations, but most importantly, realize that’s all you have control over! A lot of the process is determined by factors you can’t control, and you have to put this blind faith in the process and the people helping your family through it. The minute you meet your baby, you understand how perfectly things truly come together and how everything makes sense. It may be hard to believe as you are waiting, but someday you will look back and cherish the hard moments. You will remember them as stepping stones you took to find your baby. This is truly a beautiful journey you are on!