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  • adoptive family Wanda and Steve
    Wanda & Steve

    Words cannot describe how overwhelmed with love we were!

    Read Our Story »
  • adoptive family Krystal and Adam
    Krystal & Adam

    The constant prayers and words of encouragement from our family and friends meant the world.

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  • adoptive family Shauna

    Why not me?

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  • adoptive family Erin and Matt
    Erin & Matt

    Don’t let fear get in the way.

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  • adoptive family Anta and Shawn
    Anta & Shawn

    She almost felt she became pregnant just to make the connection with us.

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  • adoptive family Maddie and Daryll
    Maddie & Daryll

    If you pass out on me right now, you’ll never live this down.

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  • adoptive family Emily

    I just kept praying.

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  • adoptive family Mindy and Brett
    Mindy & Brett

    Trust that the universe will bring your family together at exactly the right moment.

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  • adoptive family Elisabeth and Silas
    Elisabeth & Silas

    Don’t get caught up in the little things. They don’t matter.

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  • adoptive family Laura and Frank
    Laura & Frank

    Everything just seemed a lot more rational rather than emotional.

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  • adoptive family Khandy and Kenneth
    Khandy & Kenneth

    I’m going to be a mother by January 1.

    Read Our Story »
  • adoptive family Vera and Sheldon
    Vera & Sheldon

    Show your fun side, show your silly side, and show off your personalities.

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  • adoptive family Becca and Bo
    Becca & Bo

    We’ve grown closer as spouses and parents.

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  • adoptive family DaKita

    If it doesn’t feel right, then check.

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  • adoptive family Joshua and John
    Joshua & John

    It’s not going to go exactly the way you imagined, so just let go.

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  • adoptive family Tyler and Jill
    Tyler & Jill

    The hardest thing is the waiting.

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  • adoptive family Jackie and Eric
    Jackie & Eric

    Whether you finalize an adoption in 30 days or 30 months, this process is so full of anxiety and emotion that you need to have a place to process that. It’s okay to not be okay every day.

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  • adoptive family Clayton and Courtney
    Clayton & Courtney

    Miracles happen when you least expect them.

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  • adoptive family Caitlin and Brock
    Caitlin & Brock

    It doesn’t matter how quirky you are or your family is. Someone out there will appreciate you and your family.

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  • adoptive family Brian and Chris
    Brian & Chris

    For gay couples that want a traditional family, it’s more than possible.

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  • adoptive family Nikki and Michael
    Nikki & Michael

    No matter what, we have to keep trying. Have faith and trust God.

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  • adoptive family Amanda and Nick
    Amanda & Nick

    When we saw you walking away with Anthony, we knew he was walking away with family.

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  • adoptive family Brianna and Brian
    Brianna & Brian

    It’s about the journey of weathering the ups and downs to experience joy in a way you never thought possible.

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  • adoptive family Aaron and Ri-Anne
    Aaron & Ri-Anne

    Trust the process. Trust your connection to the birthmother, and when the feeling and time is right, you will know.

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  • adoptive family Liz

    The right baby will come at the right time.’ I never knew what that meant until this moment.

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  • adoptive family Chris and Elma
    Chris & Elma

    We did our best to go about our lives and trust the process, knowing our lives could change in an instant at any time.

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  • adoptive family Ruth

    It isn't a cookie cutter process and its important to remember that the birthmothers are dealing with so much uncertainty and unknown. Giving them the space to fully come to a decision that feels right to them is important.

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  • adoptive family Jenny and Kenny
    Jenny & Kenny

    The intense emotions and the tears flowed freely from us and we welcomed Mckenna into the world and Kenny was able to cut her umbilical cord.

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  • adoptive family Patricia and William
    Patricia & William

    I was immediately overcome with joy and love, it was a very surreal moment, and one I will never forget.

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  • adoptive family Stephen and Dawn
    Stephen & Dawn

    Everything fell into place at the right time for us, and we were thrilled to begin our journey with Angel Adoption.

    Read Our Story »
  • Pregnant?

    We Can

    We help birthmothers explore their pregnancy options, create an adoption plan, and find a loving family for their baby.

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  • adoptive family Ivana and Adam
    Ivana & Adam

    Your current situation is still a gift and you don't want to look back on the process and have nothing but negative feelings. A thirteen second voicemail from our attorney changed the course of our life forever, all it takes is one.

    Read Our Story »
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    Adoption Journey!

    Our newborn adoption program is the most affordable in the country, and our application is totally free.

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