Angel Adoption Blog

what to do after the adoptionis f

What do I do after the adoption is finalized?

what to do after the adoptionis fWhen adoptive parents are given legal custody of the adopted child, the adoption is considered finalized. The finalization hearing usually takes place within six to twelve months after you’ve welcomed your new family member into your home. The adoption process doesn’t end here — there are still a few things you should do after the adoption is finalized. Continue reading

baby surrounded with books about adoption

7 Books about Adoption You Probably Haven't Heard Of

baby surrounded with books about adoptionReading about adoption topics is important for everyone involved in the adoption process. Books about adoption are important tools for you throughout your adoption journey, but there are so many out there, so many good ones end up falling through the cracks. Here are a few helpful books about adoption for current and hopeful adoptive parents that you may have not heard of before. Continue reading

How to organize your adoption paperwork

How to Organize Your Adoption Paperwork

How to organize your adoption paperworkIf you find yourself digging through your house to find that one particular form, it means it’s definitely the time to organize your adoption paperwork. It’s vital to have a copy of every single document of your adoption paperwork. Sometimes you need the same documents for different stages in the process, so it’s better to be prepared in advance. Here are some useful tips on how to organize your adoption paperwork. Continue reading

adoptive family profile

7 Common Mistakes Parents Make in their Adoptive Family Profile

adoptive family profileAn adoptive family profile is an important piece of your adoption paperwork. It’s also a representation of everything you are to a prospective birthmother. That’s why prospective adoptive parents are usually stressed out before writing it. The truth is, there are some common mistakes in adoptive family profiles that could be driving expectant parents away. So we’ve prepared a list of the most common mistakes that parents make in their adoptive family profiles. Continue reading

a birthmother suffering from post-partum depression

Post-Partum Depression in Birthmothers – How to Cope

a birthmother suffering from post-partum depressionAfter birthmothers place their child for an adoption, many go through a period of loss, which includes various stages of grief, including anger, sorrow, denial, shock, or depression. It’s not easy to reconcile the emotional adoption process, so it’s completely normal that some birthmothers suffer from post-partum depression after the placement. There are ways on how to cope with this emotional time. Continue reading

adoptive family preparing for adoption application

What to Do Before Filling out Your Adoption Application

iStock_000006877285XSmallIf you’ve just decided to adopt, you’re probably doing your research to find out all there is to know about the adoption process. You’re doing the right thing since there is a lot to consider prior to making the decision to pursue adoption. When you find out how complex the adoption process is, you’ll need to take some time to gather and organize all this information; however, if you know what to do before filling out your adoption application, you can survive the process easier and less stressful. Continue reading

adoptive family

11 Ways Adoption will Change you for the Better

adoptive familyJust like any type of parenthood, adoptive parenthood can bring tremendous joy. The adoption process is a demanding task that requires a lot of self-reflection, learning, and patience. Every new experience in a person’s life is important and adopting a child is likely beyond anything you’ve ever gone through. One of the best things about adoption is that you become stronger after that stressful and emotional journey. If you’re waiting or hoping to adopt, you should know about a few of the wonderful ways adoption will change you for the better.
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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.