Angel Adoption Blog

positive adoption language

5 Reasons Why Positive Adoption Language is Important

positive adoption languagePeople present themselves with words. Different words, gesticulations, and behaviors are used on different occasions. Language is something given to us and we would be lost without it. That’s why each aspect of life has different and unique uses of language. It’s the same with adoption. It’s important that every person involved in the adoption process knows what positive adoption language is. Here’s an answer if you’re wondering what it is and why it’s so important! Continue reading

labor tips for birthmothers

Labor Tips for Birthmothers

labor tips for birthmothersUsually, labor doesn’t begin with a gush of water like it’s presented in the movies. For most women, labor sneaks up on them, so it’s no wonder women are worried about the labor and delivery of their baby. It doesn’t matter how many books you read or classes you take, you’ll never be completely prepared for labor, but it’s important to do the research and learn as much as you can. That’s why we’ve prepared some labor tips for you. Continue reading

healthy communication in open adoption

Healthy Communication Before and After an Open Adoption

healthy communication in open adoptionWhen it comes to adopting a child, adoptive parents and birthparents want only what’s best for their child. This is why healthy, ongoing communication is so important in open and semi-open adoptions.  When you have a healthy relationship with a birthmother, your child will flourish. Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy communication before and after an open adoption. Continue reading

adoption announcements

5 Fun & Creative Adoption Announcements

adoption announcementsAfter a stressful and emotional adoption journey, the announcement that the individual or a couple has adopted a baby should be done in a memorable way. Welcoming a child into your home is a time of great happiness and joy, and it’s normal that adoptive parents want to tell the whole world about their new family member. The process of creating adoption announcements can also be fun and creative! Here are some ideas. Continue reading

adoptive parents preparing for the adoption home study

Preparing for the Adoption Home Study

adoptive parents preparing for the adoption home studyIf you are an adoptive parent who has just started the journey towards bringing home a child, you are probably wondering how you will manage the home study. When it comes to adoption, doing well in this process is one of the most important steps toward success. Although it is definitely not an easy task, there are plenty of things you can do to prepare yourself for the adoption home study and make sure you present yourself in the best light. Continue reading

newborn adoption quotes

17 Inspirational Adoption Quotes | Quotes about Adoption

Adoption Quotes in 2022We all have that favorite quote. That’s because people have an appetite for well-expressed wisdom. So, it’s no wonder that many people find inspiration and motivation in words. Just one sentence can move a soul, one sentence can make you feel better and even motivate you in many aspects of your life. Adoption is a wonderful way of creating a family, and hopeful adoptive parents are usually reading tons of books and articles. Among those, there are always some great quotes that inspire and motivate. Here are a few that we love. Continue reading

6 Things Adoptive Parents Want Birthmothers to Know

adoptive parents with babyAdoption is an emotional rollercoaster for everyone involved in the process. Sometimes, relationships gained through the process become wonderful friendships. But, not all experiences are the same. Even though open adoption means there’s a certain openness, there are often some things that are left unsaid. Birthmothers and adoptive parents have many feelings, fears, and desires they are maybe too afraid, shy, or embarrassed to share. Here are some things adoptive parents want birthmothers to know! Continue reading

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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.