Angel Adoption Blog


Connecting to a Birthmother

When adoptive parents are beginningbirthmother their adoption journey, one of the first questions that is how long does adoption take. Usually, this depends on how quickly you find the right connection with your birthmother. Once adoptive parents finish their adoptive family profiles, they will have to wait to receive a positive response to it. Even when you get a positive response to your profile, that doesn’t mean there will be an immediate adoption. You still have a long way to go. Open adoption requires a lot of communication and planning and it’s important to establish a healthy relationship with your birthmother. Here are some ways to help connect with your birthmother! Continue reading

understanding your adoption financial assistance options

Understanding the Adoption Tax Credit in 2016

understanding your adoption financial assistance optionsThe adoption tax credit was established in 1997. Since then it has helped thousands of families offset the high cost of adoption. The credit applies to all types of adoption, except for stepparent adoption. Taxpayers who adopt a child may qualify for the adoption tax credit. Before you claim the adoption tax credit in 2016, it’s important to understand how it works and could you benefit from it.
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8 Adoption Blogs for Birthmothers

Birthfamily Blogs Blogs for birthmothers have valuable information for women who are considering adoption as the best situation for their child. Women who elect to talk about their adoption experience are extremely important to creating open conversations about the reasons that women make this choice. There are so many individual motivations for adoption, and these blogs really are a service to other birthmoms and their adoptive families.   We’ve listed some great blogging communities for birthmothers to find other women who can relate to their adoption stories.  Continue reading

Adoptive Siblings

Caring for a New Baby and an Older Child at the Same Time

Adoptive Siblings When you have an older child at home already, it can seem impossible to make sure everyone’s bathed, fed, and had their diapers changed and fit enough quality family time when you introduce another sibling. Any changes in your family can also cause some behavior changes in your child. Children may react emotionally when their daily routine changes or when they lose your constant attention. The relationship between your older child and a newborn is very important. Preparing your older child prior to the adoption finalization will help him or her adjust when the baby arrives home. That’s why it’s important to start preparing for changes beforehand. Continue reading



#ShoutYourAdoptionMost adoptive parents remember when they first started looking into adopting a child. There is so much information to sort through. The truth is that the process is hard, sometimes long, and it’s certainly full of mixed emotions. Seeing other adoptive parents bringing their baby home touches the hearts of those families who are still waiting to adopt. Maybe, your story could be the one that inspires someone else to take the next step in their #adoptionjourney. Your voice could help motivate other adoptive families and birthmothers to make a very brave adoption decision.  The adoption community is a large one and also a proud one. Here are some ways to find encouragement from other like-minded pro-adoption families.  Continue reading

considering adoption

How to Choose the Right Adoption Agency for You

considering adoptionAdoption agencies play an important role when it comes to finding a perfect connection through an adoption. All in all, it’s important to understand how the agency brings together adoptive parents and birth parents. Many aspiring parents do their research, but sometimes it’s hard to to filter and find the one best fitted for you to work with. All of them promise a successful adoption, so what are the characteristics that count for you?  Here are some considerations to look for… Continue reading

Communicating with birthmother

15 Tips for Communicating with Birthmothers

Communicating with birthmotherOpen and semi-open adoptions always involve communicating with birthmothers. That’s an important part of the adoption process, but it also presents a nerve-wracking experience for birthmothers and adoptive parents. This is normal because both parties want to create a unique partnership and communicate without stress. Adoptive parents and their birthmother can affirm one another by maintaining healthy and open communication. This can be a struggle for both sides, so here are some suggestions and tips for communicating with birthmothers.
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Birthmother pregnant considering adoption.

For Birthmothers: Creating Your Adoption Hospital Plan

A hospital stay can be a difficult time for a birthmother because she is welcoming a baby into the world and also departing with a child at the same time. This makes an adoption plan very important. This plan is usually a list of documents containing the birthmother’s preferences for the hospital stay and birthing process. It’s beneficial Birthmother pregnant considering create such a plan to avoid any unwanted scenarios at the hospital. It’s not easy to create an adoption hospital plan, so we’ve compiled some tips for all birthmothers.

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Moving Forward after a Failed Adoption

iStock_000000930817XSmallA failed adoption is a devastating experience for potential adoptive parents. If you’ve already adopted or it’s your first connection, it’s always the same heartbreaking experience. When prospective adoptive parents apply for an adoption, their goal is to create a family, and when a planned adoption fails it’s normal to feel devastated. Here are ways you can get through this difficult time and hold on to your dream of adopting a baby.
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Copyright © 2024

Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.