Angel Adoption Blog

Newborn baby girl in an open adoption

Navigating Birth Family Search and Reunion


Newborn baby girl in an open adoption

When your adoptee expresses an interest in searching for and/or connecting with their birth parent or family, this can feel uncomfortable and challenging to navigate and maybe even fully support. For adoptees, connection to biological ties can be incredibly life giving, identify affirming and healthy. One of the best things adoptive parents can do is take an active and supportive role in this, no matter how difficult it can feel.

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Birthmothers getting support after adoption

Educating Family & Friends about Adoption

Birthmothers getting support after adoption


When you choose to adopt, you undertake the responsibility of educating friends and family about adoption. This is a big responsibility, and one you should not take lightly. There are often misconceptions and assumptions that are made when people talk about adoption, and as adoptive parents, you have an obligation to clear up those misconceptions and assumptions. 

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Children in an open adoption

Parents and Siblings As Allies

Children in an open adoption


Navigating intrusive questions and curiosities surrounding adoption may be challenging for the entire family, but it’s especially challenging for the adoptee. Adoptees need parents and siblings that are willing to partner with and support them in learning how to address and tactfully engage these oftentimes intrusive questions and interests. One of the best ways this can be done is having siblings as allies. 

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Happy adoptive family

Adoption & Counseling for Parents & Families

Happy adoptive family

Adoption can have a huge impact on not just the adopted individual, but the adoptive family as well. Many people think that counseling is very important for adopted individuals, but counseling can also be incredibly beneficial for adoptive parents and families. One of the greatest benefits of counseling is that it provides a safe space for navigating the challenges and nuances of adoption, which adoptive families will need as well.

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Baby holding adoptive parents finger

Insights from Adoptive Parents: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Adoption

Baby holding adoptive parents finger


Adoption brings out complicated emotions for every prospective adoptive parent. It’s no secret that the process from start to finish is a rollercoaster of emotions that can be difficult to navigate, but if you are a prospective adoptive parent, know that you are not alone. Read on to get some helpful insights on the ups and downs of adoption from the adoptive parents who have worked with Angel Adoption to grow their families. 

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5 Things To Wrestle With Before Considering Adoption

Happy family built through domestic adoption


Choosing to adopt a baby is a huge decision and one that should not be taken lightly. Adoption professionals may prepare you with resources and training before and during the adoption process, but you may never feel fully ready. Every adoption story is different, and no matter how prepared you feel, you will always have much to learn and should approach your adoption journey with that mindset. 

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Happy baby boy that was adopted

Can You Adopt if You’re Renting Your Home? |

Happy baby boy that was adopted

As prospective adoptive parents go through the adoption process and complete all of the requirements, a question we are often asked relates to adopting while renting a home. Many prospective adoptive parents who are not homeowners are concerned they won’t be able to adopt or connect with a potential birthmother if they are renting. In this article, we will discuss all things renting and adoption and give you some bonus tips on successfully completing your home study.

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Copyright © 2024

Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.