The world has changed drastically over the past decades in every possible way. The recent history of adoption in the United States can be traced to the 1850s with the first adoption law in Massachusetts describing adoption as a social and legal process based on child’s welfare rather than adult interests. Although this law may seem outdated, the essence of adoption is the same.
Adoption arrives at the ultimate family outcome, just like a birth does, and perhaps the best outcome for the child. Of course, adoption and natural birth aren’t identical. With or without the formalities of the legal adoption process, we see examples of the contemporary self-identification of families such as single parent families, cross-generational families, foster families, nuclear families, never-married families, blended families, grandparents-as-parent families, and same-sex parent families to list a few. We also see changes in how a family defines itself due to the circumstances that life can bring every day. It is fair to say that a standard definition of natural family is less than practical in today’s world, and protecting stigmas can even lead to a further burden on social services. Adoptive families are becoming the new nuclear, so if adoption is something you’re considering, here are some reasons you are probably a perfect #adoptiveparent candidate. Continue reading →