Adopting a Newborn Baby

Category Archives: Adopting a Newborn Baby

Adopt a newborn baby with Angel Adoption! Learn about adopting a newborn baby and start the adoption process today with Angel Adoption.

Angel Adoptive Parents Robert & Sam

Transracial Adoption Benefits

Angel Adoptive Parents Robert & Sam - Transracial Adoption Benefits | Adopting TransracialTransracial adoptions are when parents and their adopted children are of different races or ethnic groups. If you don’t know what the benefits of transracial adoption are, it is worth considering those factors before completing your applications. For so many families transracial adoption is the best fit. If you’re considering transracial adoption, there are many benefits and advantages that you should discuss. Continue reading

How to organize your adoption paperwork

4 Reasons You Should Consider Adoption

How to organize your adoption paperworkNational Adoption Day is celebrated on November 23, and November is National Adoption Month, so we want to mention some of the reasons you should consider adoption. For many people becoming a parent is a defining moment in life and adoption is a great option for making parenthood dreams a reality. Different people have different reasons for adopting a child. Continue reading

Fundraising Ideas for Adoption

Adoption Fundraising Ideas

The average adoption costs Fundraising Ideas for Adoptionapproximately $25,000, but this depends on the type of adoption and your agency’s fee structure. For many people money is at the top of their list of fears when it comes to the adoption process. Funding can be a major deterrent in moving forward. Adoption costs usually include fees for home studies, application fees, agency fees, facilitation fees and travel costs, among other items. There are many ways to raise the money you need to bring your child home. You should research financial assistance options to determine if you’re qualified for any kind of adoption grants, loans, or other benefits. There are also fun ways like adoption fundraisers, so we’ve prepared a list of suggestions for you. Continue reading

Adoptive Siblings

November is National Adoption Awareness Month: Celebrate with us!

Adoptive SiblingsThe month of November celebrates the miracle of adoption for families all over the United States. Angel Adoption takes particular interest in celebrating our #AdoptiveFamilyBirthdays. A finalization of adoption represents a unique success story. There is a beginning to every extraordinary human that grows to achieve great societal contribution and accomplishment.  Families that represent adoption have a “once upon a time,” just like biological families do. Continue reading

Adoption Is The New Pregnant - Become an Adoptive Parent

Adoption Is The New Pregnant – Become an Adoptive Parent

#adoption #familyThe world has changed drastically over the past decades in every possible way. The recent history of adoption in the United States can be traced to the 1850s with the first adoption law in Massachusetts describing adoption as a social and legal process based on child’s welfare rather than adult interests. Although this law may seem outdated, the essence of adoption is the same.

Adoption arrives at the ultimate family outcome, just like a birth does, and perhaps the best outcome for the child. Of course, adoption and natural birth aren’t identical. With or without the formalities of the legal adoption process, we see examples of the contemporary self-identification of families such as single parent families, cross-generational families, foster families, nuclear families, never-married families, blended families, grandparents-as-parent families, and same-sex parent families to list a few. We also see changes in how a family defines itself due to the circumstances that life can bring every day.  It is fair to say that a standard definition of natural family is less than practical in today’s world, and protecting stigmas can even lead to a further burden on social services.  Adoptive families are becoming the new nuclear, so if adoption is something you’re considering, here are some reasons you are probably a perfect #adoptiveparent candidateContinue reading

reading on beach

Ultimate Adoption Playlist – Best Music for Before & After the Wait

reading on beachPeople usually find the adoption wait as one of the most emotional times during their adoption journey. We’ve prepared the ultimate adoption playlist to keep you motivated before and after the wait. Music has the ability to transform us, to restore our hope, and to inspire us. We’ve all had times in our life that a specific song speaks to us. The following songs are full of inspirational messages about waiting, being persistent and staying positive. Continue reading

adoptive family

Our Favorite Adoption Quotes to Entertain and Inspire

adoptive familyPeople can have an appetite for well expressed and motivational wisdom. Adoptive parents are usually reading tons of books, blogs, and articles before and after the adoption. Among all those great books, there are also some inspiring adoption quotes that can make you feel connected to a larger community. We’ve created a list of our favorite adoption quotes to reference while enduring any time during your adoption story. Continue reading


Connecting to a Birthmother

When adoptive parents are beginningbirthmother their adoption journey, one of the first questions that is how long does adoption take. Usually, this depends on how quickly you find the right connection with your birthmother. Once adoptive parents finish their adoptive family profiles, they will have to wait to receive a positive response to it. Even when you get a positive response to your profile, that doesn’t mean there will be an immediate adoption. You still have a long way to go. Open adoption requires a lot of communication and planning and it’s important to establish a healthy relationship with your birthmother. Here are some ways to help connect with your birthmother! Continue reading

understanding your adoption financial assistance options

Understanding the Adoption Tax Credit in 2016

understanding your adoption financial assistance optionsThe adoption tax credit was established in 1997. Since then it has helped thousands of families offset the high cost of adoption. The credit applies to all types of adoption, except for stepparent adoption. Taxpayers who adopt a child may qualify for the adoption tax credit. Before you claim the adoption tax credit in 2016, it’s important to understand how it works and could you benefit from it.
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Adoptive Siblings

Caring for a New Baby and an Older Child at the Same Time

Adoptive Siblings When you have an older child at home already, it can seem impossible to make sure everyone’s bathed, fed, and had their diapers changed and fit enough quality family time when you introduce another sibling. Any changes in your family can also cause some behavior changes in your child. Children may react emotionally when their daily routine changes or when they lose your constant attention. The relationship between your older child and a newborn is very important. Preparing your older child prior to the adoption finalization will help him or her adjust when the baby arrives home. That’s why it’s important to start preparing for changes beforehand. Continue reading

Copyright © 2025

Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.