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Birthmother Adoption Process

Step 1: Contact Angel Adoption

Whether you’ve already decided to put your baby up for adoption or are still unsure, contacting us is the first step. Click here to get a free adoption information packet. When you’re ready, call or text us anytime at 815-307-5837. Our adoption coordinators can answer any questions you have and help you make your decision on birthmother services.

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Step 2: Create an Adoption Plan

We will work with you to create an adoption plan that reflects your unique wants and needs. Decide what type of adoption you want and how much contact you’d like to have with the adoptive parents and the baby.

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Step 3: Choose an Adoptive Family

The next part of the birthmother adoption process involves looking through our adoptive family profiles. Once you’ve picked a family, we can arrange for you to talk on the phone, email, or text with them, based on the level of contact you’re comfortable with.

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Step 4: Social Worker or Attorney Meeting

This meeting will allow you to inform the social worker or attorney of your needs and wants. It’s also a chance for you to learn more about the legal aspects of adoption. We will arrange this meeting for you at no cost.

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Step 5: Ongoing Support

Throughout your pregnancy, we will continue to check in with you and provide support and assistance as needed. You can also communicate with your adoptive family as much or as little as you wish. As you get closer to your due date, we will help you make arrangements for delivering the baby.

Place Your Baby With the Adoptive Family

Step 6: Place Your Baby

After the baby is born, you’ll have the option to spend time with the baby, the adoptive family, and/or a counselor. The baby will go directly home from the hospital with the adoptive family. There will be no intermediate foster care.


Step 7: Documentation

Shortly after the baby is born, you will sign the legal documents consenting to the adoption of the baby. The exact timeframe and documents needed depend on the laws in your state.

After the Adoption

Step 8: After the Adoption

After the adoption process is completed, the amount of contact you’ll have with the baby and adoptive family depends on the type of adoption you choose. The post-adoption experience is different for every birthmother. You’ll probably experience an array of emotions, both positive and negative.

We encourage each birthmother to create a post-adoption plan. Will you return to school or work? Will you join an adoption support group? Do you have other goals you want to start working towards? Your attorney or social worker can work with you to put together a post-adoption plan that will help you move forward and have the birthmother support you need after the adoption.

“Throughout my pregnancy, Angel Adoption would personally message me and ask how I was doing. This was nice to know that I wasn’t just another person in their program — they genuinely cared.” - Susan, birthmother

It’s Your Journey, and We’re Here For You

The adoption process for birthmothers can be an emotional, and sometimes overwhelming, experience. At Angel Adoption, we’re always here for you every step of the way. Whether you’re just considering adoption as an option or are a birthmother looking for adoptive parents, our passionate coordinators are always able to listen, offer guidance, and assist in any way that they can, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Choosing adoption is your journey, always, and our goal is to make sure the needs of your baby and yourself are met.

Our birthmother services are 100% free and 100% confidential. Ready to learn more?