Celebrating 27 Years of Growing Families through Adoption
Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
Children: No
Location: CO
Religion: None
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dear expectant mother

When they are young, most people do not think about the family they will eventually have. Some want large families, and some want very small families. There is no way to predict which way life will take you. No one thinks about how that family will come about. It is just something that happens. Life choices are what define us as people.

No one wakes up one day and thinks adoption is an easy or normal part of those life choices. The fact that you are considering this decision proves how strong and selfless someone can really be. There is no way to understand the conflict you are feeling. We can only admire the strength it took to consider letting a love go because you knew it was the best option.

If chosen, we can say that your baby will be loved, cherished, and cared for as if they were being raised by you. A baby is a gift that only you can give. The choice to let someone else raise and love your baby shows unconditional devotion to your baby’s well-being. We are grateful and applaud the mental power it took to make this altruistic choice. Thank you.

About Us

Hello! We are Lisa and Andrew and are very opposite, but we complement each other in our differences. Andrew is an avid reader and interested in history and science fiction. Lisa enjoys watching a good rom com and catching up on the latest world news. We both love movies, spending time with our dogs, exploring new restaurants, and even staying home. Having been together for so many years, we know almost everything about one another, and yet it seems we still learn new things. Weekend walks with our dogs and the occasional farmers market are some of our fondest times. Andrew's custodial career in a K-12 school allows meaningful interactions with kids of all ages. Those interactions teach compassion and create role models. Conversely, Lisa's career in veterinary medicine not only treats the fur babies people are so attached to but also their human well-being.

Our Home & Pets

We bought a larger home with plenty of space to grow. Our home is next to a golf course and in a quiet neighborhood. We can see the Fourth of July fireworks from our yard and walk to the park and lake. Andrew works at a progressive-12 school, so he would always be there with your child if they needed him. We grew up in the desert heat, and living in Colorado gives us the outdoor activities we didn’t have growing up. Of course, with having a veterinarian in the family, we will always share our home with dogs and cats. They are a huge part of our family and give us unconditional love.

Our Extended Family

Andrew has a small family. He has one older brother, and parents who live in Michigan. Some cousins, aunts, and uncles also live in Michigan. Lisa has a very large family. On Lisa’s side, there are four brothers, several aunts and uncles, several cousins, her mother, her dad and stepmother. Her brother, aunt, cousin, and mother live in Colorado. Other siblings, aunts, uncles, and her father live in other states.

We all get together for Thanksgiving. Together we decorate the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. We will open only one present on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning. We keep our decorations up until after New Year’s. Every birthday we go out for a fancy dinner. We enjoy concerts and shows. Having family around is a fun way to stay close and stay involved in each other’s lives. We all help one another if times are tough.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have been trying to start a family for many years. With several miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and continued failed IVF procedures, we find ourselves looking for a baby given from a special mother. The opportunity to become parents through adoption has started a new chapter in our journey. Motherhood and fatherhood are still within our reach, and we're excited to explore the challenges and joys that it will bring. We both have so much to give, teach, and learn. A baby is the missing piece of our puzzle.

Fun Facts

About Lisa
Occupation Veterinarian
Education Doctorate
Race Caucasian
Favorite Hobby Movies, playing with dogs, art
Favorite Movie Nightmare on Elm Street
Favorite Sport Soccer
Favorite Holiday Christmas
Favorite Music Group Kelly Clarkson
Favorite TV Show The Big Bang Theory
Favorite Subject in School Art
Favorite Tradition Superbowl party
Dream Vacation Australia
About Andrew
Occupation Head custodian
Education High school diploma
Race Caucasian
Favorite Hobby Reading, music, hockey
Favorite Movie My Science Project
Favorite Sport Hockey
Favorite Holiday Halloween
Favorite Music Group Pink Floyd
Favorite TV Show Trailer Park Boys
Favorite Subject in School History
Favorite Tradition Thanksgiving
Dream Vacation Rome

Contact Lisa & Andrew

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Choose a Family for
Your Baby With Confidence

As you browse our list of hopeful adoptive parents, you can feel confident in knowing that all of the adoptive families working with Angel Adoption are prepared to offer your baby a safe, stable, and loving environment along with a wealth of opportunities for a happy and fulfilling life.

Each adoptive parent has been thoroughly evaluated through a home study course conducted by a licensed agency. A completed home study means the family is emotionally, physically, and financially ready to adopt a baby.

The home study process includes assessments of each parent’s character, marital stability, financial situation, lifestyle, and medical history. The agency also runs background checks to verify there is no record of criminal activity or child abuse. In addition, a social worker will inspect the family’s home to ensure it is a safe environment for a child.

Furthermore, Angel Adoption requires each family to be educated on adopting and parenting. After a baby has been placed with the adoptive family, a social worker will continue to monitor and supervise the family. We go to great lengths to make sure all the families you have to choose from are going to be excellent parents for your baby!

Not sure how to start? See our How to Choose an Adoptive Family resource page.
If you need more help, you’re always welcome to contact us any time!

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