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Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
Children: No
Location: IL
Religion: Christian
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dear expectant mother

This letter has been one of the most challenging parts for us to write. How can we convey the immense gratitude and admiration we feel for a woman we’ve never met through these words on a page? Believe us when we say we feel incredibly honored to even be considered as the potential parents of your precious baby.

Much like you, this was not a decision we made lightly. We have been preparing ourselves emotionally, relationally, and financially to be parents for a long time. As parents, we would strive to follow your example in loving this child as selflessly as you have. We plan to honor your sacrifice and give them every opportunity to discover their gifts and chase their dreams. While no one can predict what will come their way, it would be our goal as parents to provide, protect, support, and unconditionally love our children through every twist and turn. Dear mama, our hearts are full and ready to pour into a little one, and we would love the opportunity to cherish your child for the rest of our lives.

Thank you for your strength, bravery, and fierce determination. We are so in awe of you. Your road and choices were anything but easy, and you will always be a hero in our eyes, whether or not you choose us.

With love,
Cory and Erin

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About Us

Hello! We are Cory and Erin, gratefully and happily married to our favorite person in the entire world. We value simplicity and stability and have built a loving and devoted relationship over the past ten years. Cory works as a manager for a shipping company as well as a PE teacher for kids of all ages. He is kind, calm, and reliable, making him perfect for both roles as he is steady no matter what comes his way (a handy skill!). Cory likes hockey, board games, gardening, and befriending the neighborhood cats. Erin has spent a decade in healthcare administration and works at a local hospital as a quality improvement specialist. Erin is an avid reader, baker, and sunshine enthusiast, but her favorite hobby is nurturing her relationships with friends and family. She is earnest, loyal, quick with a smile, and even quicker with a joke.

Our Home

We own a spacious, fully renovated, three-bedroom house that was built in 1895 in a quiet, quaint town in central Illinois. We bought our home nearly six years ago, and it is still our favorite place to be. Our neighborhood is peaceful, safe, and a great place to raise a family. During the warmer months, our town is the host of outdoor festivals, concerts, and food truck nights as well as the location for the annual county fair! Bright city lights and the good shopping are just over an hour away, making it the perfect day trip! We have fantastic schools, quality healthcare, and plenty of family-fun activities right in our hometown!

Our Extended Family

We are both the youngest in our families of four and five children. Cory has three older siblings married with children of their own. Cory’s parents, together over 50 years, try to gather all 17 family members as often as they can to celebrate birthdays, holidays, and special occasions. They like playing and watching sports and playing games the whole family can enjoy together. Erin has four older sisters, two of them married with families of their own, and her dad and bonus mom make 16 people in all. Erin’s family lives miles apart but keep in close contact with frequent calls, texts, visits, and summer vacations! Thankfully, both sides of the family fiercely love the Lord, each other, and sharing and making memories.

We are also very blessed with wonderful extended families and more cousins, aunts, and uncles than we can count! Weddings, holidays, and family get-togethers are always filled with loud laughter, good food, movie quotes, and more love than we deserve. Both our families are so excited at the chance to welcome a new life, and we’re sure they will be practically falling over each other to be the first one to hold the baby.

What Led Us To Adoption

Having extended family members who were adopted, Erin felt called to adoption as a teenager and decided it was something she wanted to pursue later in life. Adoption was the topic of conversation early on in our relationship, and we planned to adopt and have a biological child. As we all know, life doesn’t always work out as pretty as our plans, and years into our marriage, we found out we would not be able to have biological children. After walking through the devastation of our news, we worked hard on preparing ourselves and our marriage to welcome a child into our lives through the beauty of adoption, which wasn’t a difficult leap as it was a conversation we’d already had.

Fun Facts

About Erin
Occupation Hospital Quality Improvement Specialist
Education Bachelor’s Degree
Race Caucasian
Favorite Hobby Reading, baking, listening to podcasts
Favorite Movie While You Were Sleeping
Favorite Sport Hockey, diving
Favorite Music Group Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Rend Collective
Favorite TV Show Survivor, The Office, The Great British Bake Off
Favorite Subject in School Math
Favorite Tradition Big family vacations
Dream Vacation Amalfi Coast, Italy
About Cory
Occupation Operations Manager/P.E. Teacher
Education Bachelor’s degree
Race Caucasian
Favorite Hobby Games, gardening
Favorite Movie Rocky IV, Terminator II
Favorite Sport Hockey, football, volleyball
Favorite Music Group Breaking Benjamin
Favorite TV Show The Office, That 70s Show
Favorite Subject in School History
Favorite Tradition Family dinners
Dream Vacation Toronto, Canada (Go Maple Leafs!)

Contact Erin & Cory

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Choose a Family for
Your Baby With Confidence

As you browse our list of hopeful adoptive parents, you can feel confident in knowing that all of the adoptive families working with Angel Adoption are prepared to offer your baby a safe, stable, and loving environment along with a wealth of opportunities for a happy and fulfilling life.

Each adoptive parent has been thoroughly evaluated through a home study course conducted by a licensed agency. A completed home study means the family is emotionally, physically, and financially ready to adopt a baby.

The home study process includes assessments of each parent’s character, marital stability, financial situation, lifestyle, and medical history. The agency also runs background checks to verify there is no record of criminal activity or child abuse. In addition, a social worker will inspect the family’s home to ensure it is a safe environment for a child.

Furthermore, Angel Adoption requires each family to be educated on adopting and parenting. After a baby has been placed with the adoptive family, a social worker will continue to monitor and supervise the family. We go to great lengths to make sure all the families you have to choose from are going to be excellent parents for your baby!

Not sure how to start? See our How to Choose an Adoptive Family resource page.
If you need more help, you’re always welcome to contact us any time!

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