It’s not uncommon for some prospective parents to express interest in adopting multiples, whether they mean twins or sibling groups that are close in age. Each avenue has its nuances and challenges. However, adopting multiples can and does happen. Learn about the differences between adopting newborn twins or sibling groups close in age, as well as what the process may look like.
According to the latest research, an estimated one out of every 250 pregnancies results in twins. This means that the potential to adopt newborn twins can and does come up. For prospective parents who have indicated they are open to adopting multiples, whether it’s newborn twins or sibling groups, there are a few key differences that make the process different but not necessarily more difficult. At Angel Adoption, we have successfully connected many adoptive parents with birthmothers of twins and sibling groups.
Whether prospective parents are looking to adopt multiples or not, completing the adoption home study is an essential step in the process. This study determines whether families are emotionally, physically, and financially ready to adopt an infant. It’s a long process, lasting anywhere from two to six months or more, involving numerous interviews with social workers and home visits. For prospective parents open to adopting multiples, their completed home study from their social worker must indicate that they are approved to adopt more than one child. Once completed, the road to a safe, legal adoption is open.
When it comes to adopting newborn twins, there are only a handful of differences that distinguish the process from that of adopting a single child. Prospective parents can anticipate the following:
As mentioned above, prospective parents looking to adopt newborn twins can anticipate higher costs associated with adoption. Certain fees, like birth certificates and SSN will have to be paid per child. However, there are many adoption service providers who do what they can to keep extra costs minimal, working with adoptive parents to make their lifelong dreams of starting a family come true. While yes, the cost of adoption is often higher when adopting multiples, the amount isn’t a significant concern for many prospective parents.
The adoption of multiples that aren’t twins is commonly referred to as “sibling groups.” For prospective parents who are open to more than one child, sibling groups can be a wonderful opportunity to start a family. The process is similar to other adoption procedures, and like the process of adopting newborn twins, parents must be approved by their home study social worker to adopt multiples. Once approved, prospective parents can be presented with opportunities to adopt sibling groups (or a group of two or more siblings of varying ages). Much like twins, sibling groups are usually placed with adoptive parents at the same time.
Though the adoption process can be long and tedious, it offers adoptive parents the joy of fulfilling a lifelong dream, as well as the opportunity to grow their families in beautiful and unexpected ways. Adoptive parents interested in adopting multiples should make it known to their home study provider. At Angel Adoption, we are always happy to answer questions and provide information to prospective parents. Please contact us, and our helpful staff members will offer guidance and resources in any capacity that they can.
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